Hard engineering and soft engineering Flashcards
What is hard engineering
Building artificial structures using concrete and steel
What is soft engineering
Smaller structures usinf natural materials
What is the Integreated Coasal Zone Managaement (ICZM)
Long term sustainable management of a whole stretch of coastline as one area
Define hold the line
Using sea defences to stop erosion
What is do nothing
Let anture take it course
What is Strategic reallinement
Letting the coast erode and moving/compoenseting people involved
What is rock armour
Large rocks placed at cliff top or beach top
Dis of Rock armour
Doesnt blend in with local geography
Dangerous to ckimb over
Attract vermin
Adv of Rock armour
Easy to construct and maintain
A permeable barrier that breaks wave energy
What is a groyne
Timber or rock structrures to trap sediment transported along the coast by longshore drift
Dis of Groynes
Could lead to greater erosion along the side
Adv of groynes
Increase tourist potential
Soft engineering
What is Beach nourishment
Adding sand or pebbles to abeach
Disadvantages of beach nourishment
Needs constant maintenance because of natural processes of erosion
Adv of beach nourish
Cheap and east to maintain
Looks natural
Increases tourist poten
Dune STabilisation
Marram grass planted to stabilise dunes
Dis of dune stabil
Time consumning to plant
ADV of dune
Maintains wild life habitats