Most of paper 1 condensed Flashcards
What are the factors affecting temperature
Albedo effect
Winds and ocean currents redistribute heat around the planet
Cloud cover reflects the suns rays
Altitude-Temperature drops by 6.5degrees celcius for every 1000m in height
What is the Albedo effect
How prone a surface is to reflect the suns rays
High albedo surfaces reflect the suns rays like snow
Low albedo absorb the suns rays for example dark green tropical rainforests
What is precipitation
Any moisture falling from the atmosphere-rain, hail ,sleet or snow
What are the conditions required for tropical storms
Winds that exceed 118km/h
Between 5-15degrees north and south the equator
Ocean temps have to be above 26.5 degrees celcius
What is a drought
Long periods of little to no rain leading to water shortages
What are the causes of La nina
Stronger trade winds decreasing the sea temperature in the tropical eastern pacific
How often is la nina
3-5 years
What are the conseqeunces of La nina
Changes to world precipitation patterns
Weaker tropical storms in the Pacific
Stronger tropical storms in the Atlantic
Droughts in South America
What are the causes of El Nino
Weaker trade winds increase the seat temperature in the tropical eastern pacific
How often is el nino
3-7 years
What are the consequences of El nino
Chnages in world precipitation patterns
More tropical storms in the pacific
Fewer tropical storms in the atlantic
More droughts in asia
What is the order of the earths stucture
Outter core
Inner core
What moves the earths tectonic plates
Convection currents
What happens at conservative plate boundaries
Two plates slide past each other at different rates
Does not create any volcanoes as there is no magma
Triggers shallow focus earthquakes
What happens at constructive boundaires
Two plates move apart and magma forces uts way to the surface
Causes mild shallow focus earthquakes
Creates Shield Volcanoes
What happens at Destructive plate boundaries
Two plates move towards each other
AN oceanic plate is subducted beneath the continental plate
Causes strong, deep focus earthquakes
Creates Composite volcanoes-erupt violently
What happens at collision plate boundaries
Creates mountains
Powerful earthquakes
What are examples of natural climate change (Historical sources like diaries)
in the 17th centuary the River Thames froze
What are examples of natural climate change
(Ice cores from Antarctica)
You can anlayse the CO2 content in the trapped ice and higher levels of CO2 means warmer temperatures
What is Eccentricity (Milankovitch cycle)
Every 100,000 years the earth’s orbit changes from almost circular to oval
There are warmer periods in the oval orbit and colder when it is circuar
What is Axial Tilt (milankvitch cycle)
Every 41,000 years the tilt of the earths axis moves back and forth between 21.5 degrees and 24.5 degrees
A greater angle of tilt will bring greater tempertures
What is precession (milankovitch cycle)
Every 26,000 years the axis wobbles which changes the severity of the seasons
How can volcanic activity effect climate change
The ash released by eruptions block out the sun which reduces the earths temperatures
What is the greenhouse effect
Gases such as CO2, Metahne and water vapour trap heat
It allows short wave radiaton from the sun but traps the long wave radiation