What was the role of the Court in the Elizabethan System of Government? Flashcards
Who is directly responsible for all state departments?
the monarch
What was the chief administration and executive body of the realm?
Privy Council
Who attended Elizabeth’s Court?
How did Elizabeth use the court in Elizabethan government?
-her image->trying to impress people to reinforce her image as Queen->encourage sycophancy->power
-showed herself as both Queen and a woman
-she wanted to push her image as powerful and she expected people to know she was above the Court and her influence was powerful
-it helped her with foreign relations and political persuasion and loyalty
How did others use the court in Elizabethan government?
-Courtiers would be able to capture the Queens interest and wield political influence without holding political office
-every Courtier had the potential to be a politician->court created non-stop opportunities and was widely recognised as the centre of political activity and source of power and patronage
What was the Court part of?
-part of the Queen’s household
Who is the Court run by?
Lord Chamberlain
Where is Court located?
Wherever the Queen was
What was Elizabeth’s 2 roles in Court?
-she was above the court (display of majesty) and part of the court (the virgin lady)
-she wanted to be seen as a woman but also their Sovereign
How did Elizabeth dress in Court?
-dressed to impress and expected to be admired
What is Court used for?
-intimate forum for romantic play acting and of political seduction/manipulation
What did Elizabeth want from Court?
-wanted to be the centre of attention and therefore authority
The Court was important to the Elizabethan government because…
-it was important for Elizabeth because it gave her political loyalty and for her to show her power and influence as Queen
The Court was important to the Elizabethan government but…
-it could have led to a factionated Court
The Court was important to the Elizabethan government so…
-she could gain more support, loyalty and influence from her Courtiers and reinforce her image and power