Religious Settlement threats/opposition Flashcards
What were the different factors effecting her religious settlement?
-Economic - in debt
-Political - gender
-Foreign threats
-Religion - Catholic nation
-Marian exiles
What was the Marian exiles returning situation?
-many Marian Protestant exiles returned from England wanting more radical policies
What was a threat from Roman Catholics?
-in Roman Catholic’s eyes she was illegitimate
Where is Catholicism strongest?
-in the North
Where is Protestantism strongest?
What does Puritan mean?
-extreme Protestants
Who did Elizabeth aim to satisfy?
-as many people as possible
What was the Act of Supremacy (summarised)?
-re-established the church of England with Elizabeth as it’s Supreme Governor->her title suggested that she may be more tolerant than those before her
-the Act said that any person taking public of religious office in England had to swear an oath of loyalty to Elizabeth
What was the Act of Uniformity (summarised)?
-dictated the way that the Church of England functioned
-Churches must use the same Common Prayer book as the 1552 book
-the vague wording of communion allowed for both Catholic and Protestant beliefs
-everyone must attend church or pay a fine
What Catholic opposition did the Religious Settlement face?
-the people with the most to lose in the Religious Settlement were Catholics
-over the past 5 years most had been overjoyed to see Catholicism return and the excesses of the Reformation reversed under Mary I->they were reluctant to allow any change by her Protestant sister
What opposition did the Religious Settlement face from parliament?
-the House of Commons was broadly supporting
-Elizabeth faced opposition from the Catholic-dominated House of Lords->it firmly rejected the first draft of the Act of Supremacy
What did Nicholas Bacon do during a break at Easter?
-during a break at Easter Bacon met a delegation of Catholics and Protestants to discuss the issue->ended in arguments
Who was Nicholas Bacon?
Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
When did Catholic Lords realise that they were powerless to stop the settlement?
-when Elizabeth imprisoned 2 Catholics in the Tower of London and fined 6 others
What opposition did the Oath of Supremacy face?
-the Catholic Bishops in the House of Lords who allowed the Act of Supremacy to pass were effectively voting themselves out of office since all Clergy would now need to swear an oath of loyalty to the Queen as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England
-it appears that most of the rest of the Clergy underneath the Bishops did not have such a problem->7,000 out of 8,000 Clergy took the Oath of Supremacy and kept their positions->willing to work under the new Settlement even if it meant converting to Protestantism
What was Anthony Kitchin (Bishop of Llandaff) allowed?
-he was allowed to retain his job but the other Bishiprics were filled with Protestants who would take the oath including Mathew Parker (he became the Archbishop of Canterbury)