What is Deductive Inference? Flashcards
What’s Reasoning?
The act by which the mind acquires knowledge by means of what it already knows.
What are the two forms of Reasoning?
Deduction and Induction
What’s a Syllogism?
A group of propositions in an orderly sequence.
What’s the Essential Law of Arguementation?
If the antecedent is true, the consequent must be true as well.
What are the Three Terms in a Syllogism?
The Major (Predicate), the Minor (Subject) and the Middle.
What’s the Principle of Reciporcal Identity?
Two terms that are identical with a third term are identical to eachother.
What’s the Principle of Reciprocal Non-Identity?
If one term is identical to the third but the other one isn’t, the first and second term aren’t identical.
What does the Dictum de Omni state?
What is affirmed universally of a certain term is affirmed of every term that follows.
What does the Dictum de Nullo state?
What is denied universally is denied of all following terms.