What is clinical psychology? Flashcards
What are the 2 systems to classify mental health?
ICD-11 is European
DSM5 is American
How does mental health impact society?
the poorer are more disadvantaged and are disproportionately affected by common mental health problems
days lost from work due to mixed anxieties and depression
negative experiences for a person
What’s a scientist practitioner?
applies our knowledge obtained from clinical research into clinical practise
What’s a reflective practitioner?
relationship is key to evoke change
may need to bring in potentially conflicting ideas
skilled psychologists follow more than the prescribed set of techniques
What’s a critical practitioner?
applies a critical perspective to practise to ensure it doesn’t unintentionally contribute to social inequalities
When was the first influence of clinical psychology?
Biopsychosocial model
500-300 BC
Greek scholars like Hippocrates
Considered bio, psychological and social influences
What philosophers have supported the development of clinical psychologists?
Hippocrates studied bodily fluids, found that imbalances with blood, bile, phlegm can be responsible for emotional disturbance
Plato and Hippocrates prompted Hippocrates ideas
Plato emphasised the role of societal forces and psychological needs
What are asylums?
people were detained if they had mental health needs
beginning of 19th century- institutions where ‘lunatic/mental’ people were held
Who was William Tuke?
promoted ideas of care
advocated for people to live and work at a retreat to help with wellbeing
Who was Benjamin Rush?
promoted the use of moral therapy with mentally ill people
encouraged treatments that use compassion and patience rather than physical punishments or restraints
Who was Aaron Beck?
father of CBT
widely used to treat depression and anxiety disorders
Who is Michael White?
founder of narrative therapy
Who is Marsha Linehan?
developed dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)
considered a third wave of CBT
Who was Emil Kraepelin?
believed mental health disorders were derived from biological factors
focused on symptoms to classify and study disorders
Who was Jean Martin Charcot?
founder of modern neuropsychology
influences psychiatry
worked on what is now known as hysteria