What is Anthropology Flashcards
Study of humans & human culture
_________________ are interested in the holistic approach
Holistic Approach
Where they are interest in learning about both the biological & cultural apsects of humanity
Cultural Relativity
Suspending one’s ethnocentric judgement’s in order to understand & appreciate another culture
A complex, interconnected whole that exist of the knowledge, belief, art, law, moral, customs, skills, & habits learned from parents & others in a society
__________ is the primary adaptive mechanism for humans
_________________ recognizes that the considerable variability of our human experience requires an unbiased cultural relativity approach & cross - cultural comparisons to understand it
What are the assumptions of most anthropologist have about humanity?
- Human universalism
- Integration
- Adaptation
- Culture
Human Universalism
View that all people today are fully & equally human ( That people are equally smart, complex, intersecting to study)
Belief that other people are culturally & even biologically different & inferior in terms of intelligence, physical appearance, customs & morals
The act or attempt to systematically kill all members of an ethnic group or culture
View that all aspects of a culture are interrelated & that an understanding of any cultural trait or institution requires knowning how it impacts by other institutions
How we flourished as a species through adapting
_____________ is the most important core concept
The biological order of animals that includes humans, apes, monkeys, etc
What are the three layers of culture?
- Cultural traditions
- Subcultures
- Cultural universals
Cultural Universal
Learned behavior patterns that are shared by all of humanity
__________ & ___________ are not the same
Culture & Society
Adaptive Mechanism
A behavior, strategy, or technique for obtaining food & surviving in a particular environment
Culture is non-instinctive which means what?
Where any new born baby can learn any culture & accept it as their own
Future Stock
A kind a culture shock that can be experienced by members of a society who undergoing too rapid of culture change (Ex. Elderly people whol lived before the internet)
All culture changes throughout time & its not _________
The movement of cultural traits & ideas from one society or ethnic group to another
The view that the people & nations of the world should become more economically & politically integrated & unified
A profound loyalty to one’s tribe or ethnic group & a rejection of other
Participant obervation
best way for anthropologist to get to know a society where the live in the society
What are the subfields of Anthropolist?
- Biological Anthropology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Linguistics Anthropology
Biological Anthropolgy
Study the similarities & differences with non- human species (Study human origins, evolution, & genetic variation)
Cultural Anthropologist
Study similarities & differences in persent - day & recent/ past cultures (Study how different aspect of culture affect each other & relate to each other)
Digs up remains, argiculture, cities, etc
Linguistic Anthropology
Study how langauge developed (How languages are related & have changed over time)
Applied Anthropology
Make anthropological knowledge relevant to the public
Culture Shock
Isolation, inability to express self, dislike of differences, etc
Cultural Relativism
Seeking to understanding cultural variation within humanity (Promotes open mindedness)