What are the elements or a H&S system management and benefits 2.1 Flashcards
What are the elements of HSG65 system?
What does DO mean in HSG65?
Risk profiling - Assess risk, what could cause harm, who it could harm, how will it be managed?
Organising - Involve workers, provide resources and advice
Implement plan - Decided on preventative, protective measures, Provide tools and equipment, Training and supervision
What falls under CHECK in HSG65?
Measuring performances
- ensure plan is implemented
- are risks controlled?
- are goals being achieved?
- conduct audit
Investigate any accidents/near misses/incidents
What should be done under ACT of HSG65
Review performance
- Review ill health data
- revise plans/policy/riskassessment if required
- act on findings
What is involved in PLAN under HSG 65?
Policy & Planning
- where are you now
- what do you want to achieve
- Who will be responsible
- how will you do it
- how will you measure performance
- any legal req?
What are the stages of the ISO45001 2018 model?
Planning (Plan)
Support and operation (Do)
Performance evaluation (check)
Improvement (Act)
What are the benefits of having a formal H&S management plan?
- Can help with SMART planning
- Reducing accidents
- Compliance - section 2.3 HSAW 1974
- Help manage risk