Whakataukī Flashcards
I am the river, the river is me
Ko au te awa, Ko te awa ko au
We are all in this together
He waka eke noa
My language is my awakening, my language is the window to the soul
Ko tōku reo tōku ohooho, ko tōku reo tōku māpihi maurea (nā Tīmoti Kāretu)
I am a seed which was sown in the heavens of Rangiātea (nō Taranaki)
He kākano ahau i ruia mai i Rangiātea
By deeds a chief is known
Ina te mahi - He rangatira.
A kumara does not speak of its own sweetness
Kāore te kumara e korero ana mō tōna ake reka
Only by rowing the canoe in unison will we reach our destination.
Kia kotahi te waihoe i te waka, kia ū ki uta
The home offers the vital essence of language
Ke te kāinga te mauri o te reo
The hākuwai is the bird that calls its own name
He hākuwai te manu e karanga tonu ana i tōna ingoa
A person who is boasting about their own achievements
The tongue (gossip) can injure many
E patu te rau, e patu te arero
rau = blade of the weapon. As the weapon kills, so too does the tongue
If there is but one toetoe stem it will break, but if they are together in a bundle they will never break
Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. (Nā Kīngi Tāwhiao tēnei tongi).
It is not the direction in which the current flows
Nor is it the direction in which the wind blows
Rather it is the setting of the sails
That enables a canoe to reach its destination
Ehara ko te ia o te wai
Ehara hoki ko te pupuhi o te hau
Engari ko te whakatika kē o ngā rā
Ka tae ora te waka ki uta
Hold fast to the land
Hold fast to our pride
Hold fast to our environment
Hold fast to all living things
Toitū te whenua
Toitū te mana
Toitū te taiao
Toitū te mauri ora
we will never be lost; we are the hull of a great canoe
e kore e ngaro, he takere waka nui
“Sleep with your poi, sleep with your taiaha
“Moea tō Poi, moea tō taiaha”.
By speaking, the words will come out, continue to speak and your speech will gradually become correct.
‘Mā te kōrero, ka puta te kōrero, kōrero anō te kōrero ka tika haere te kōrero.’
nā Piki Kereama (Te tuakana o Tipi)
A crayfish won’t jump in your net, just because you wish it in there
He manako te kōura i kore ai