Kupu hōu 8 Flashcards
be countless, innumerable, numerous, many. (noun) multitude, crowd, great number, horde, throng, lots, myriad
tini - (adjective)
to breathe, taste.
hā - (verb) (-ngia)
to untie, unravel, release, set free, detach, disconnect.
wete - (verb) (-a,-kia,-kina)
Kāore ia i tono mai ki te Kaunihera kia whakaae atu kia wetekia katoatia ngā here e tau nei ki ngā whenua Māori (TPH 26/11/1905:2). / He did not ask the Council to agree to all the restrictions on Māori land being released.
to thrust forward, attack, call, charge, rush forward. (noun) advocacy, promotion, backing, championing.
kōkiri - (verb) (-tia)
(noun) view, sight, aspect.
tirohanga -
He māmā ia te manu ki te hāro haere i ngā takiwā nei, ki te whakahou i ngā tirohanga kanohi o ngā rā ka huri nei (TP 1/1/1900:8). / But it’s easy for a bird to soar over these regions to view again familiar landscapes.
(noun) load, burden.
Wahanga –
Hīrori ana ngā waewae i te taimaha o te wahanga (W 1971:53). / She staggered with the weight of the load.
(noun) tear (of crying)
roimata -
(noun) fog, mist, haze, smog
kohu -
pouaka tio –
dishwashing machine
Pūrere horoi rīhi -
Tiaka –
Tīkera –
Whakahanumi –
Whakatōhi -
vacuum cleaner
horo puehu / ngote puehu -
to sweep, scrape. (noun) broom
Tahitahi - (verb) (-a)
counter, bench
tūpapa - (noun)
to lie, lie in a heap, heap up. Stack (noun) heap, pile.
pūkei - (verb) (-ria,-tia)
I pūkei au i ngā rīhi ki te tūpapa
I stacked the dishes on the bench
to throw down, throw away, pour forth, discharge, deposit, vent, cast aside.
ruke - (verb) (-a,-tia)
I ruke au i ngā toenga kai ki te wairākau
I threw the scraps in the compost
(noun) manure, fertiliser, compost.
puta - (noun) opening, hole.
wairākau -
to scrape, dishwash brush
āka - (verb) (-ngia,-tia)
dish rack
kōputa wai –
seat, chair, seating, dwelling place, abode, encampment.
nohoanga - (noun)
spouting, gutter, tap, funnel, water pipe.
kōrere wai -
to wipe (the anus). (noun) toilet paper
whēru - (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia)
whakaataata – (noun)
paraikete –
government, dominion, rule, authority, governorship, province.
kāwanatanga - (loan) (noun)
to enter, go in.
uru - (verb) (-a,-hina)
Ko ngā tamariki e uru ana ki tō runga kura o Hukarere e ākona ana ki te taka kai, ki te nēhi tūroro, ki te tuhituhi ringa poto (TKO 1/12/1917:12). / The children entering the upper school of Hukarere are being taught to prepare food, to nurse the sick and to write shorthand.
to consider, reflect upon. (noun) anniversary, birthday.
huritau - (verb) (-a,-tia)
Me huritau anō, kaua e kōwhiria i runga i te whāwhai, i te pōnānā (PK 2008:159). / It should be reconsidered, don’t select it in haste, in a rush.
to be red brown, glowing
Ura –
Te taenga mai ki ngā takutai o Aoetaroa nei, ka kite mai i te pohutukawa e whero atu ana (e ura atu ana), ka mahara he kura pērā me tōna (TTT 31/8/1921:12). / When they reached the coast of the North Island and saw the pōhutukawa showing red (glowing red), he thought it was the same red treasure as his.
to be apprehensive, puzzled, anxious
mānukanuka –
E mānukanuka ana ngā Pākehā o Ingarani ki taua kaipuke; e whakaaro ana kua wera atu i te moana me ōna tāngata e whā tekau i eke atu i konei - hui ki ngā hēramana ka nui atu i te rima tekau (TWM 30/12/1869:2). / The English are anxious about that ship and are thinking that it has been burnt at sea together with its forty passengers who boarded from here - altogether with the crew there were more than fifty.
to be confused, bothered, troubled, stressed, concerned.
pōraruraru - (verb)
Tērā anō ngā take i pōraruraru ai a Paremata (TTR 1990:103). / There were other matters that were of grave concern to Paremata.
calm wind
tāhengihengi –
be soothed, set at rest, settled, calmed, appeased.
Mahuru - (stative)
Ka mahuru ō rātou whakaaro (W 1971:165) / Their minds were set at rest.
to be free from anxiety, contented, at ease, serene, unruffled, untroubled.
Māoriori - (verb)
Nā te tautoko mai a ōku kuia me ōku koroua, ka māoriori tōku ngākau. / Because of the support of my elders I was at ease.
to heal (a wound).
Whakamahu - (verb) (-tia,-ngia)
Ka nui te mana o aua waiariki ki te whakamātūtū i ngā mate, ki te whakamahu i ngā mate (KO 16/2/1885:6). / Those hot pools have a great reputation for curing the sick and healing ailments.
personal (of belongings, thoughts, characteristics, etc
(noun) self, person, personality.
Whaiaro - (modifier)
- Atu i ō taonga whaiaro, kia maumahara he hui whakapakari reo Māori tēnei, nā reira me hari atu anō ō pene, ō pepa, ō papakupu reo Māori, me ētahi atu rauemi e whakapae ana koe ka āwhina i a koe i roto i ngā mahi o te kura (HM 1/1996:6). / Apart from your personal possessions, remember that this is a gathering to improve your Māori, so you should take your pens, paper, Māori language dictionaries, and other resources you feel would help you in the activities of the learning gathering.
- Hei aha koa, he mea nui ki te tangata whenua ōna kaha i whakapaua e ia, me tana whaiaro (TTR 1996:144). / Nevertheless, his efforts and personality were appreciated by the local people.
personal experience.
wheako whaiaro - (noun)
Ka hanga noa te ākonga i ētahi mahi ā-tinana mai i ōna wheako whaiaro me te pohewatanga (To 1999:67). / The student creates some physical activity from her personal experiences and imagination.
(noun) outcome.(noun) exit, way out.
Putanga -
Ko te putanga te hua ka puta i tētahi pāpono tūponotanga. Hei tauira, ko te 1, te 2, te 3, te 4, te 5, te 6 rānei ngā putanga e taea ana ina pīrorihia he mataono tau (TRP 2010:214). / The outcome is the result of a probability event. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 are the possible outcomes when a dice is rolled (TRP 2010:214).
Ki te titiro iho koe ki te putanga o te rua nā, ka kite koe i ngā rapirapitanga o te manu kōkā (HW 1969:120). / If you look down at the exit of that hole you will see the scratchings of the mother bird.
to be surprised, shocked, take fright, frightened, startled.
tumeke,- (verb)
Tumeke ana mātau i te kaha o te pohū. / We were startled by the loud explosion.
to prize greatly, value, treasure, fond of, take pleasure in.
Kaingākau - (verb) (-tia)
Ka haere tonu ngā mahi a Te Rangi Hīroa ki te whai i te kaupapa i kaingākautia nei e ia, arā, te mātauranga tikanga tangata (TTR 1996:14). / Buck continued to pursue the discipline that was dear to him, which was anthropology.
besides, except, not including, apart from, notwithstanding, not counting, excluding, despite.
Hāunga - (particle)
Hāunga a Hōne, whai ana i ngā tapuwae o te pāpā ki ngā mahi rēhi hōiho (TTR 1998:3). / Apart from John who followed in the footsteps of his father into horse racing.
Hāunga rā, i mau tonu tana ratonga nēhi mō ngā Māori o ngā nohonga kāinga e rua e tata tonu ki tōna kāinga, me ērā tāngata atu anō hoki o te hapori (TTR 2000:163). / Despite that, she continued to provide nursing services to Māori at two nearby settlements and to other residents in the community.
to be soft, supple, pliable, weak.
(noun) activity, exercise
Ngohe - (verb)
Ka maroke te otaota, ka ngohe te tangata (M 2004:96). / Vegetation dried and people weakened.
Ko te tono i kaha te puta, kia whakahokia mai ngā momo ngohe i whakaritea mō tēnei hui (HM 4/1993:8). / The most common request was that the types of activities arranged for this gathering should be returned.
to be weak, listless, feeble, powerless, faint.
Ngoikore - (verb)
Ngoikore tonu atu au (HP 1991:23). / I was quite faint
mate karona –
to show kindness to, care for.
atawhai - (verb) (-ngia,-tia)
to lay one on another, stack, place before a person, lie in wait, lie in a slanting position or across, present.
Tāpae - (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia)
He tangata atawhai nui ia ki te tāpae kai ki ngā tāngata katoa me ka tae ki tōna kāinga; e kore rawa hoki e tukua e ia te tira manuhiri kia haere ana, āpānoa kia takoto he hākari māna ki ia tangata ki ia tangata o rātou, te iti me te rahi (TWMNT 21/4/1874:95). / He was a generous person who provided food to everybody if they visited his village; he would never ever let a party of visitors leave until he had laid out a feast for each person, whether of lowly status or of importance.
to climb upon or over, ascend, mount, scale.
to remove (a covering), show (cards), uncover, expose, unveil.
kake –
(verb) (-a)
Ka kake a Tāne ki Te Toi-o-ngā-rangi ka hou atu ki te whare rā, Te Tihi-o-Manono (Te Ara 2015). / Tāne ascended to Te Toi-o-ngā-rangi (the highest of the 12 heavens) and entered the house, Te Tihi-o-Manono.
hura - uncover, expose
voyage, journey, sailing, flight, trip.
rerenga - noun)
Ko te utu mō te rerenga kotahi o te tima nei e £2.00 (TTT 1/10/1924:115). / The price for a single voyage of this ship is £2.00.
to be strange, unacquainted, new, exotic, unfamiliar.
tauhou - (verb)
He tauhou katoa rātou ki tēnei tū mahi. They were all unfamiliar with this sort of work
to be apposite, relevant to, correspond to, in line with, opposite, directly.
hāngai - (verb) (-tia)
Kimihia te rerenga Pākehā tika e hāngai ana ki te rerenga Māori.Tōia ia rerenga reo Pākehā ki te rerenga reo Māori e tika ana.
Find the correct English sentence that matches up with the Māori sentence. Drag each English sentence to the appropriate Māori sentence.
(particle) manner, sort, type of.
tū -
Kua waia rātou ki tēnei tū mahi. / They are accustomed to this type of activity
Ngahuru –
kōanga –
to visit, go to see, pay a visit, call on, survey, reconnoitre, probe, explore.
toro - (verb) (-a,-hia,-na)
E kī ana, ko Taupō te tāone pai ki te toro atu i te takurua.
It is said that Taupō is a good town to visit in the winter.
takurua –
(noun) mark.
māka - (loan)
He aha tō māka mō tō tuhituhinga? / What is your mark for your essay?
to make laws, make legal, protect legally
ture - (loan) (verb) (-tia,-a,-ngia)
Ko te ture tuatahi, me tākaro takirima koutou mō tēnei kēmu.
The first rule is that this game is played in groups of five.
to fine (penalise).
Whaina - (loan) (verb) (-hia,-tia)
to be horrible, offensive, awful, ugly, disagreeable, abominable, disgusting.
weriweri - (verb)
Ehara ia i te tangata weriweri. He is not an ugly person.
(modifier) big, large.
rahi -
Mā Hamahona ngā kōhatu rarahi e hiki
Samson will lift the large rocks.
stone, rock.
Kōhatu - (noun)
art, craft.
mahi toi - (noun)
to reveal, disclose, confess, dob in, tell on, inform on, admit.
whakī - (verb) (-a,-na)
I whakatenetene tonu nei te kaiwhakaako o Pine a Rotohiko Haupapa, he whao waruwaru noa nei tāna, ki te whāki atu i ngā muna whakairo a Te Arawa ki ngā kaiako o Ngāti Porou
Pine’s teacher, Rotohiko Haupapa, was using only the paring chisel, and was reluctant to reveal the secrets of Te Arawa carving skills to the students from Ngāti Porou.
whale - often used as a general term,
tohorā - (noun) particularly for baleen whales.
Ka kite rātou i te tohorā e pupuha haere ana.
They saw the whale spouting as it went.
go onto (e.g. a marae).
Whakaeke - (verb) (-a,-ngia)
I reira tonu tōna tinana e tangihia ana e ngā ope whakaeke (HP 1991:19). / Her body was right there being wept over by the groups who came onto the marae.
a word used to indicate an action. (verb)
tūmahi - (noun) verb -
I te rerenga kōrero ‘e auau ana te kurī’, ko te ‘auau’ te tūmahi. / In the sentence ‘e auau ana te kurī’, ‘auau’ is the verb.
tūāhua (noun)
to pull, drag
Kume - (verb) (kūmea) . Usually kūmea in the passive form.
Kātahi ka kūmea mai e rātau a ‘Tākitimu’ ki uta rawa kia kore ai e riro i te tai (HP 1991:29). / Then they pulled Tākitimu right up on the shore so that it wouldn’t be carried away by the tide.
to break (rigid things such as sticks), break off.
whati - (verb) (-a)
Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. (Nā Kīngi Tāwhiao tēnei tongi). / If there is but one toetoe stem it will break, but if they are together in a bundle they will never break
to gather up in a bunch.
kāpui (verb) (-a,-tia)
Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. (Nā Kīngi Tāwhiao tēnei tongi). / If there is but one toetoe stem it will break, but if they are together in a bundle they will never break
(determiner) those (mentioned before) - plural of t____. Must be followed by a noun.
aua -
to tie, tie up, fasten with cords, bind, oblige.
here - (verb) (-a,-ngia)
Herea tēnei taura ki te rākau nā. Tie the rope to the tree.
be grey
pūmā -
(verb) to be pleasant, agreeable, clear, beautiful, handsome.
(adjective) beautiful, handsome, good-looking, attractive, gorgeous, pleasant, agreeable.
He pūrotu ake tana teina i a ia (Te Ara 2016). / His younger brother was more handsome than him.
to strike, knock, beat, pound, assault.
pātuki - (verb) (-a)
pātuki tahi manawa / Let our hearts beat as one
to put or add together, come together, meet, gather, assemble, congregate.
huihui (verb) (-a,-tia)
huihui nga mahara / our thoughts be united
(modifier) south, southern, upper.
whakarunga -
hākete - (loan) (noun) E oti te tarautete, te hākete, te kāone, te aha, te aha i te huruhuru o te hipi (Ma 1844:2). / Trousers, jackets, gowns and other clothes can be made from sheep’s wool.
moata - modifier)
Kia tere te oma, kia tae moata ai koutou ki te kura. Run quickly so that you (3+) will arrive early to school.
young (of birds, animals, fish and whales).
punua - (noun)
I te kura a Maru, ka whānau mai āna punua kurī.
(verb) to be in love with. (noun) sweetheart, lover, betrothed, fiancé, fiancée, boyfriend, girlfriend.
whaiāipo -
Kei runga rā tō whaiāipo? Is your sweetheart up there?
hush! be quiet!.
Turituri - (interjection)
I karanga mai te tangata, “Turituri!” The man called out, “Be quiet!”
to tell lies.
rūkahu - (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia)
Kei te rūkahu anō kōrua? Are you two actually lying?
to sob.
hotuhotu - (verb)
I te hotuhotu noa iho tā mātau tangi i te tuatahi (HP 1991:19). / We were just sobbing to begin with.
separated, special, distinct, independent, unattached.
Motuhake - (modifier)
He pūkenga motuhake ōu? Do you have any special skills?
services, service.
Ratonga - (noun)
Hāunga rā, i mau tonu tana ratonga nēhi mō ngā Māori o ngā nohonga kāinga e rua e tata tonu ki tōna kāinga, me ērā tāngata atu anō hoki o te hapori (TTR 2000:163). / Despite that, she continued to provide nursing services to Māori at two nearby settlements and to other residents in the community.
to deceive, cheat, trick, flout, take liberties with, tease, mock.
(modifier) underhand, deceitful, devious, cheating, deceiving, dishonest, fraudulent.
tinihanga - (verb) (-tia)
Tuarua, kaua e mahi tinihanga, nē Paora?
to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
Hūmārie -
He tangata ngāwari, he hūmārie, he mateoha, he atawhai tangata, he tangata whakapono (TP 1/6/1902:9). / He was a gentle, pleasant, loving person, who showed kindness to people, a person who believed.
to be accustomed to, familiar with, used to, practised.
Waia - (verb)
Nāwai rā kua waia noa te tangata ki a ia e haere atu ana i Ōkiwi ki tana wāhi mahi mā runga i tētahi o ngā motukā tuatahi i kitea ai ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara (TTR 1994:19). / After a time people became familiar with him commuting to his work from Eastbourne in one of the first motor cars seen in Wellington.
(verb) to be dumb, quiet, still, not talkative, silent, mute, reserved.
wahangū - Me noho wahangū koe. Kāore anō au kia whakapuaki i ōku kare-a-roto. Can you you keep it quiet? I haven’t yet expressed my feelings.
cross, mark with cross, cross road.
rīpeka –
to obstruct, prevent.
taupā - (verb) (-tia)
Kīhai au i haere; i taupātia au e te tangata i te pō / I did not go; I was prevented by the man in the night.
(verb) (-a) to soar.
hāro -
to gift, donate, pledge.
Takoha - (verb) (-tia)
Nō muri i takohatia atu ai ki te whare whakairi toi, whare taonga hoki o Te Matau-a-Māui (TTR 2000:189). / It was later that it was gifted to the Hawke’s Bay Art Gallery and Museum.
legend, story, fiction, folklore, narrative, yarn.
pakiwaitara - (noun)
to surround, hedge in, encircle.
Karapoti - (verb) (-a)
Ka tae taua ope ki Kaiapohia, rokohanga atu kua tae katoa ngā iwi, kei te karapoti i te pā o Ngāi Tahu (JPS 1901:76). / When this party reached Kaiapoi all the other tribes had arrived, and were surrounding the pā of Ngāi Tahu.
sophisticated, experienced, skilled.
Mātanga - (modifier)
(noun) experienced person, expert, specialist, consultant, professional, practitioner, old hand, analyst.
Tāpiri atu ēnei painga ki te purotu o tōna āhua, te pakari o te tinana, me te tohunga ki ngā mahi tākaro, kātahi ai te tangata whakahoahoa, tangata mātanga ko tēnei, ko Hēmi (TTR 1998:63). / These good qualities, coupled with his handsome appearance, physical prowess and sporting ability, shaped Hēmi into a charming and sophisticated man.
to illustrate, give an example, exemplify.
Whakatauira - (verb) (-tia)
Ā tēnā kia mātua noa i ēnei waiata kua tīkohikohia nei hei whakatauira i te āhua o te waiata aroha (Kāretu 2010:12). / Well, these songs have been collected together to illustrate the nature of love songs.