Head Region
Tian Men (GV17) [midline, ca. edge of ear bases]
GV20 [midline, center of ear canals]
Da-feng-men (GV21) [midline, Cr. edge of ear bases]
Nao-shu [1/3 the way from Cr. ear base to lateral cans, dorsal to the zygomatic arch]
Eye Region
BL1 [medial canthus]
GB1 [lateral canthus]
ST1 [lower eyelid center pupil]
BL2 [medial eyebrow]
GB14 [1 cun above midpoint of extended eyebrow]
TH23 [end of the extended brow]
Long-hui [dorsal midline btwn. 2 temporal fossas]
ST2 [infraorbital foramen]
Nose Region
Bi-tong [halfway btwn. medial canthus and LI20]
LI20 [nasal labial grove, widest part of the nares]
Shan-gen [nose midline btwn. at haired and non-haired jxn]
GV26 [in-philtrum at ventral limits nares]
Ear Region
TH21 [pretragic incisure, dorsal to SI19]
SI19 [rostral to tragus, ventral to TH21]
GB2 [directly below SI19]
TH17 [depression btwn. mandible and mastoid]
An-shen [btwn. TH17 and GB20]
Xia-guan [ca. end of the TMJ ventral to zygomatic arch]
Shan-guan [just Cr. to the TMJ dorsal to zygomatic arch]
Er-jian [tip of ear]
CR. Neck Region
GB20 [btwn. occiput and C1 lateral to midline]
BL10 [C1-2, 1.5 cun lateral to midline]
SI16 [C2-3, 3 fun from dorsal midline]
Jing-jia-ji [just above and below the lateral vertebral processes at the level of the intervertebral spaces of C1-T1 7 pairs of occupants on ea. side of the neck]
Jian-wei [1/3 the way along jugular groove going caudoventral]
CA. Neck Region, Scapula and Shoulder Region
GV 14 [at C7-T1 midline]
Ding-chuan [0.5 fun from midline at C7-T1]
BL11 [1.5 fun from midline behind T1]
BL12 [1.5 fun from midline behind T2]
BL13 [1.5 fun from middle behind T3]
GB21 [1/2 the way along the Cr. scapula]
Fei-men [1/3 the way along the Cr. scapula]
Fei-pan [1/3 the way along the Ca. to acromium]
LI15 [just distal and Cr. to acromium]
TH14 [just distal and ca. to acromium]
SI09 [ca. humerus btwn. deltoid/triceps]
Elbow Joint
LI11 [lat. cubital crease btwn lat. condyle and biceps t.]
LI10 [lat. side 2 fun distal to LI11]
TH10 [ca.lat. on the triceps tend.]
Zhou-shu [btwn. lateral condyle and olecranon]
LU5 [med. cubital crease, lat. to biceps tend.]
PC3 [med. cubital crease, ca. to biceps tend.]
HT3 [med. cubital crease just cr. to med. epicondyle]
SI8 [in the ulnar groove btwn. Ht3 and olecranon]
Proximal to or at the Radoiocarpal Joint
TH5 [3 cun prox. to radiocarpal joint opp. PC6]
HT7 [lrg hole lat. to flexor carpi ulnaris tend.]
PC6 [3 cun above carpal crease opp. TH5]
PC7 [under the prox. and med. aspect of the acc. carpal pad]
LU7 [ just prox. to styloid process]
LU9 [ on the dorsal surface of the carpus, on the medial aspect of the radoiocarpal bone]
Just Distal to the Radoiocarpal Joint
SI 4 [at ca.lat. to the base of the 5th metacarpal bone]
TH4 [at the radiocarpal joint]
LI 4 [btwn. metacarpals 2-3 midpoint 3]
Proximal to the Metacarpophalangeal (MC) Joint
SI 3 [just prox. to MC joint lateral side of 5th]
TH3 [ just prox. to MC joint btwn. 4th/5th]
HT8 [btwn. 4th and 5th at edge of pad]
PC8 [ btwn. 3rd and 4th under central pad]
Front Paw (beginning or ending of all channels included for completeness)
LU11 [med. side 1st digit (missing in most k9)]
LI 1 [med. side of 3rd digit]
PC9 [med. side of 4th digit]
TH1 [lat. side of the 4th]
HT9 [med. side 5th digit]
SI 1 [lat. side 5th digit]
Liu-feng [btwn. the webbing of digits 2-3, 3-4, 4-5]
Lateral Chest Region
LIV14 [6th intercostal space level of the costochondral jxn]
SP21 [7th intercostal space of the shoulder]
GB24 [9th intercostal space, just dorsal to the level of the elbow]
LIV13 [ end of the 12th rib]
GB25 [end of the 13th rib]
BL41 - BL52 [ 3 fun from midline (add 29 to inside channel from BL12-BL23)]
Lumbosacral, Hip and Pelvis Region
Bai-hui [ midline LS jxn]
Shen-shu [1 cun lat. to bai-hui]
Shen-peng [1 cun cr. to shen-shu]
Shen-jiao [1 cun ca. to shen-shu]
Er-yan [cr. or ca. sacral foramina, 2 pairs of bilateral pts (also called si-liao if refer to all 4 pts)]
Jian-jiao [ventral to the dorsal border of the wing of the ilium]
BL54 [just dorsal to the greater trochanter]
GB29 [just cr. to the greater trochanter]
GB30 [just ca. to the greater trochanter]
BL35 [crease just lat. to the tail base]
BL36 [ ventral to the tuber inch]
Kidney Belt
GV4 [L2-3 midline]
BL23 [L2-3, 1.5 fun off midline]
BL52 [L2-3, 3 fun off midline]
GB25 [end of the 13th rib]
Proximal to the Stifle
GB31 [ 7cun prox. to the lat. femoral condyle]
GB33 [depression prox. to the lat. condyle of the femur]
SP10 [2 cun diagonal and medial to the patella]
LIV8 [ just ca. to the medial femoral condyle (cr. and proximal to KID10)]
At the Stifle
ST35a [lat. eye of knee]
BL39 [ just lat. to BL40]
BL40 [ at popliteal crease]
ST35b [med. eye of the knee]
SP9 [depression btwn ca. border of the tibia and the gastroc. m.]
KID10 [just med. to BL40]
Just Distal to the Stifle
GB34 [just list. and cr. to the head of fibula]
ST36 [ 3 cun dist. to ST 35]
ST37 [3 cun dist. ST 36]
SP8 [3 cun dist. to SP9 on the ca. border of the tib.]
Proximal to the Hock
ST40 [1/2 distance btwn lat. malleolus and top of tib.]
ST39 [3 cun dist. to ST37]
GB39 [3 fun above lat. malleolus (opp. SP6)]
SP6 [3 cun prox. to the med. malleolus on ca. tibia (opp. GB39)]
KID7 [2 cun prox. to the med. malleolus on achilles tend.]
At the Hock
ST41 [Cr. at bend of hock]
BL60 [lat. side btwn. med. malleolus and calcaneus (opp. and slightly dorsal to KID3)]
KID3 [btwn. med. malleolus and calcaneus]
Just Distal to the Hock
BL62 [just list. to the lat. malleolus (opp. KID6)]
ST42 [ At the jxn of 3rd and 4th metacarpi. b.]
GB41 [just list. to the jxn of the 4th and 5th metacarpi b.]
BL64 [ just distal to the base of the 5th metacarpi bone on lat. side]
KID6 [directly distal to medial malleolus opp. BL62]
SP4 [just distal to the base (prox. end) of the 2nd metatarsi b.]
Proximal to the Metatarsalphalangeal (MT) Joint
LIV3 [ just prox. to the MT jt btwn. 2nd and 3rd]
SP3 [ just prox. to the MT jt. Med. side of 2nd]
Distal to the Metatarsophalangeal Joint
ST44 [ in the web btwn. the 3rd and 4th digits]
Liu-feng [in the webbing btwn. digits 2-3, 3-4, 4-5]
Hind Foot (Beginning or ending of all channels included for completeness)
SP1 [ med. aspect of 2nd digit]
LIV1 [ lat. side of 2nd digit]
KID1 [ btwn. 3rd and 4th digits UNDER the central pad]
GB44 [lat. aspect of the 4th digit]
BL67 [Lat. side of the 5th digit]
ST45 [lat. side of the 3rd digit nail base]