TH- 8 points Flashcards
TH3** Locations
On the dorm of the forefoot btwn. the 4th and 5th metacarpal b., in the depression just prox. to the metacarpophalangeal jt.
TH3** Indications
Shu-stream point (Wood). Head- shaking, ear prob. febrile dz, local pain.
TH4** Locations
In the Lrg. Lat. depression on the dorsolat. aspect of the radoiocarpal jt. just lat. to the common digital extensor tendon. BEND THE CARPI!
TH4** Indications
Yuan (Source pt.) Carpal injury or pain, pharyngitis, diabetes mellitus.
TH5* Locations
3 run about ve the carpus on the aspect of the forelimb in the IO space btwn. the radius and ulna. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE PC6 on the med. aspect, finding TH5 first is the best way to find PC6.
TH5* Indications
Lou-conntecting pt. Confluent pt. to Yang-wri . Paralysis of forelimbs, headache, febrile dz, red eyes, ear problems, neck pain, Wei Qi Deficiency.
TH10** Locations
In a depression on the triceps tendon. just prox. to the olecranon.
TH10** Indications
He-sea pt. (EARTH), Son pt. for EXCESS. Paralysis of thoracic limbs sore throat, deafness, toothache.
TH14** Locations
Ca. and dist. to the acromion on the ca. margin of the acromial head of the deltoideus m.
TH14** Indications
Pain in shoulder and thoracic limb.
TH17** Locations
Ventral to the ear in the depression btwn. the mandible and the mastoid process.
TH17** Indications
Otitis, cervical stiffness, fascial paralysis, swelling in the face.
TH21** Locations
Rostral to the pretragic incisure directly dorsal to SI19 at the ca. border of the mandible and dorsal to the condyloid process with the mouth open.
TH21** Indications
Ear prob., dental dz.
TH23** Locations
In the depression on the rim of the orbit at the end of the eyebrow, iff it were extended to the lat. canthus.
TH23** Indications
Eye problems, anhidrosis, colds, headache.