ST- 15 points Flashcards
ST1* Location
Directly below the center pupil, just inside the infraorbital ridge. Penetrate the pt. by retropulsing the eyeball dorsally and directing the needle over the infraorbital ridge, thru the skin and under the eye.
ST1* Indications
Conjunctivitis, uveitis, Liv Heat
ST2** Location
In the depression at the centre of the infraorbital foramen.
ST2** Indications
Conjunctivitis, uveitis, abdominal pain.
ST4** Location
At the lat. commissure of the mouth 0.1 cun ca. to the mucocutaneous border.
ST4** Indications
Facial paralysis, dental pain.
ST6** Location
In the depression in the middle of the masseter m. just rostral to the angle of the mandible.
ST6** Indications
Facial paralysis, dental pain.
ST25* Location
2 cun lat. to the centre of the umbilicus, in the centre of rectus abdominis m.
ST25* Indications
Front-Mu (Alarm pt.) for LI. Constipation, D+, abdominal pain, V+.
ST35a* Location
In the depression distal t the patella and lat. to the patellar lig. Also referred to as the “The lat. eye of the knee “ or Was Xi Yan.
ST35a* Indications
Stifle Problems, pelvic limb weakness
ST35b* Location
In the depression dist. to the patella and med. to the patellar leg. is a pt. asp referred tp as “ the med. eye of the know” or New Xi Uan. Together with ST35a, the 2 pt.s are referred to as Xi Yan. Think B,… Between the legs.
ST35b* Indications
Stifle problems, pelvic limb weakness.
ST36* Location
3 cun distal to ST35, 0.5 cun lat. to the cr. crest of the tibia; in the belly of the cr. tibias m. This is a long linear pt. FALL OFF DISTALLY
ST36* Indications
He-sea (Earth) pt. Master pt. for GIT and abdomen. Nausea, V+, gastric pain, gastric ulcer, food stasis, gen. tonic.
ST37* Location
3 cun distal to ST36, 0.5 cun lat. to the cr. aspect of the limb, in the cr. tibialis m.
ST37* Indications
Lower He-sea pt. for LI channel, D+, intestinal ulcers, constipation.
ST39* Location
3 cun distal to ST37, 0.5 cun lat. to Cr. aspect of the limb, in Cr. tibias m. (1 cun distal to the midpt. of the tibia).
ST39* Indications
Lower He-sea pt. for the SI channel, D+, abdominal pain dysentery, hemiplegia, impaction.
ST40* Location
1/2 of the distance btwn. the lat. malleolus and the tibial plateau (proximal aspect of the tibia), 2 cun lat. to th e cr. aspect of the limb in the groove btwn. the cr. tibias and long digital extensor mm. This pt . proximal to ST39.
ST40* Indications
Luo-connecting pt. to SP influential pt. for phlegm. Obesity, lipoma, phlegm. Damp-heat skin, itching.
ST41* Location
On the dorsum of the rear foot at the level of the hock in the depression directly on the midline. The point lies btwn. the tendons of the long digital extensor and the cr. tibial mm. Bend articulationpts to ID.
ST41* Indications
Jing-river pt. (FIRE). Wei syndrome, paresis/paralysis of pelvic limb, SP deficiency.
ST42* Location
On the dorsal aspect of the metatarsus at th ejxn of the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones of the. pelvic limb. USE THE CANOES.
ST42* Indications
Yuan (Source pt.) Facial paralysis, facial swelling, dental problems, epilepsy, Wei syndrome, gastric pain.
ST44* Location
In the web margin btwn. the 3rd and 4th digits in the depression just distal and lat. to the 3rd metatarsophalangeal jt.
ST44* Indications
Yang-Spring pt. (Water). ST Heat and gastric ulcers.
ST45* Location
On the lat. side of the 3rd digit nail base.
ST45* Indications
Jing-well (Metal pt.) Son pt. for excess. Diagnostic and tx pt.s for appetite. For pain around the channel.