GB- 14 points Flashcards
1, 14, 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41
GB1** Tong zi-liao (Pupil Bone-Hole) Location
0.2 cun lat. to the lat. canthus in the depression over the rim of the orbit.
GB1** Tong zi-liao (Pupil Bone-Hole) Indications
Eye prob., anhidrosis, colds, headache.
GB14** Yang-bai (Yang white) Location
In a depression the frontal bone, 1 cun dorsal to the extended midpt. of the eyebrow (at the end of the visible eyebrow). CLOWN EYES.
GB14** Yang-bai (Yang white) Indications
Keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis.
GB20* Feng-chi (Wind Pond) Location
(6-pack pt.) On the dorsum of the neck, in the lrg. depression just. ca. and lat. to the occipital protuberance med. to the cr. edge of the wings of the atlas.
GB20* Feng-chi (Wind Pond) (6-pack pt.) Indications
External wind, internal wind, cervical stiffness, headache, nose-bleeding, nasal discharge/congestion, epilepsy.
GB21** Jian-jing (Co-shong) (Shoulder Well) Location
In the m. just cr. to the edge of the scapula midway btwn. GV14 (dorsal midline btwn.. the C7-T1) and the acromion.
GB21** Jian-jing (Co-shong) (Shoulder Well) Indications
Shoulder pain, paralysis of thoracic limbs, mastitis, difficult labor.
GB24** Ri-yue (Sun and Moon) Location
In the 9th intercostal space at the level of the costochondral jxn. (3 spaces ca. and slightly dorsal to LIV14).
GB24** Ri-yue (Sun and Moon) Indications
Front-mu (Alarm pt.) for the GB, the Crossing pt. of the GB and SP channels; Liv and GB disorders, Liv Qi Stagnation.
GB25** Jing-men (Capital Gate) Location
On the lat. side of the abdomen on the lower order of the free end of the 13th rib.
GB25** Jing-men (Capital Gate) Indications
Front-mu (Alarm pt.) for the Kid. Infertility, ovary disorders, lumbar pain, colic, impaction, Kid Def.
GB29* Ju-liao (Squatting Bone-Hole) Location
In a depression just Cr. to the greater trochanter (one of the 3 bowling ball points around the head of the femur).
GB29* Ju-liao (Squatting Bone-Hole) Indications
Gluteal m. soreness, pelvic limb pain, arthritis of coxofemoral jt. Paralysis of the pelvic limb.
GB30* Huan -tiao (Circular Jump) Location
In a depression midway btwn. the greater trochanter and the tuber ischii (one of the 3 bowling pts around the head of the femur).