GV- 8 points Flashcards
GV1* Location
In the depression on the dorsal midline 1/2 way btwn. the anus and base of the tail.
GV1** Indications
Luo-connecting pt. for CV D+ constipation perianal prob. epilepsy.
GV3** Location
Variable location; It’s the largest depression located btwn. the dorsal processes of L4-5, L5-6, or L6-7.
GV3** Indications
Yang Def., impotence, infertility, paralysis of pelvic limbs.
GV4** Location
On the midline, btwn. the dorsal spinous processes of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebra.
GV4* Indications
Impotence, infertility, D+ abnormal esters, back pain, Yang Deficiency.
GV14* Location
In the depression on the dorsal midline btwn. the C7-T1 dorsal spinous processes.
GV14* Indications
High fever, cough, asthma, false heat, cervical stiffness, hives, epilepsy.
GV17** Location
In the depression on the dorsal midline, on a line drawn from the ca. (trailing) edge of the ears just prox. to the occipital protuberance.
GV17** Indications
Cervical stiffness, epilepsy, aphonia (loss of voice).
GV20* Location
In the depression on the dorsal midline on a line drawn from the tips of the ears level with the centre of the ear canals. PERMISSION PT. Calming Pt.
GV20* Indications
Calming Pt., Shen disturbances, headache, epilepsy, prolapse of anus.
GV21** Location
In the depression on the dorsal midline on a line drawn from the Cr. (leading) edge of the ears.
GV21** Indications
Headache, hypertension, nasal discharge.congestion, epilepsy.
GV26* Location
In the philtre (the vertical line on the upper lip and btwn. the nostrils) at the level of the ventral limits of the nostrils in the non-haired skin.
GV26* Indications
Coma, fascial paralysis, mania, back pain, IVDD.