West Nile Virus Flashcards
What organism is a single stranded RNA virus of the family Flavivirdae that is the leading cause of domestically acquired arbovirus disease in the U.S.?
West Nile Virus
What mosquito transmitts WNV?
What are predisposing factors of WNV
outdoor activities during spring and summer, mosquito bites.
Incubation period for WNV
2-6 days, but ranges 2-14
Is WNV lethal?
Non neuroinvasive (no); neuroinvasive (yes)
What are considered “dead end” hosts for WNV?
humans and horses.
what percentage of WNV are subclinical or asymptomatic?
What should be considered in any febrile patient or acute neurologic illness with recent exposure to mosquitoes during the summer months?
In addition to fever, what other sx present with WNV?
headache, myalgia, GI sx, transient maculopapular rash
what does neuroinvasive WNV manifest itself as?
meningitis, encephalitis, or acute flaccid paralysis.
WNV poliomyelitis often presents as what?
isolated limb paresis or paralysis and can occur without fever or apparent viral prodrome.
What is used to diagnose WNV?
identifying IgM in serum or CSF using ELISA.
Treatment for WNV
vigurous supportive treament.
How is WNV prevented?
no vaccine.
PPE. Screening of blood donors. Community level mosquito control programs.
Disposition of WNV patients
Non neuroinvasive: recover, however, fatigue and malaise lingers for months.
Neuroinvasive: residual neuro deficits. MEDEVAC