MRSA Flashcards
two subtypes of MRSA
Definitions of MRSA
any strain of S aureus that has developed multiple drug resistance to beta lactam antibiotics. (e.g. oxacillin, penicillin, and amoxicillin)
Definition of MSSA
any strain of S aureus susceptible (able to be killed by) beta lactam antibiotics
most frequently reported clinical manifestations of MRSA
SSTI’s, furuncles, carbuncles, and abscesses.
What sx should raise suspicion of a S Aureus infection?
“spider bite”
key features of MRSA
localized erythema with induration and possible drainage
abcess (fluctuant mass)
positive MRSA culture
Mainstay of MRSA treatment
incision, drainage, and irrigation followed by packing, dressing changes, and oral antibiotics
wound treatment of MRSA
anything that tracks further than 1-1.5 inches should be sent to Gen Surg.
no fluctuant mass, ABX x2 days, F/U for I and D.
Antibiotics for MRSA
untreated MRSA leads to what conditions
sepsis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and necrotizing fasciitis.