Well-being in the workplace Flashcards
What was the original approach of organisational psychology
Individual differences
What is the contemporary approach to organisational psychology
Social, economic and political context
Has career mobility led to more skills but less employee commitment and loyalty to orgs?
What four factors do orgs look for in employees
Is bullying in the workplace rare or common
What makes employees focus on feeling good over learning and developing for the future
When people regard themeselves as sexually attractive are they more aggressive in the workplace
How do employees see challenges when they have a good vision of the future
Growth opportunities
How do employees see challenges when they have a poor vision of the future
Threats to self-esteem
What makes an org’s vision for the future more successful?
Accounting for current direction, org past and employee values
What is an exercise for realising your values
Clenching left fist for two/three minutes to activate right hemisphere of brain
Are the best values implemented immediately or a few years after leadership change
Few years after
Is changing strategy right away under new leadership good
No, it can be damaging
Does unique vision attract or repel employees
Who has increased the diversity of the workforce
Women and ethnic minorities
According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, what is diversity?
Valuing everyone as individuals
What is a benefits to orgs of increased job satisfaction due to diversity?
Reduced costs from recruitment
Does meeting the needs of diverse customers enhance customer relations
Yes (by definition)
Does diversity enhance org creativity, flexibility and innovation
Does diversity lead to unsustainable development and business disadvantage
No, the opposite
Does diversity lead to cultural closeness between employees
No, diminishes cultural relatedness
Does diversity require greater financial support for flexibility
Does diversity improve workplace harmony or increase conflict
Increase conflict
Does diversity lead to potential conflict with other orgs
What to orgs use to summarise their position on diversity?
Diversity action plan
According to Mullins (2010), are outsourcing, the spread of production methods and increased competition from newly industrialised nations part of globalisation
According to Mullins (2010), has globalisation caused an increase or a decrease in international communication
According to Mullins (2010), has globalisation led to increased or decreased awareness of different workplace attitudes and beliefs
Did the 2008 financial crisis suggest that globalisation was driving equality or inequality in the developing world
What is workplace bullying according to Worksafe Victoria
Repeated and persistent negative behaviour directed at an employee that creates a risk to health and safety
Is repeated behaviour over a prolonged period a distinguishing criteria of workplace bullying
Is perception of being bullied a distinguishing criteria of workplace bullying
Are the negative consequences to the individual a distinguishing criteria of workplace bullying
Is a power imbalance between parties a distinguishing criteria of workplace bullying
Is workplace bullying increasing in Denmark, UK and USA
Can the studies that compare bullying across Denmark, UK and US be compared
No they used different methodologies
If a person has high conscientiousness, low extroversion, high neuroticism and low assertiveness what type of personality might they have
Victim personality
If a person is aggressive, violent, tyrannical and has either very low or very high self-esteem what type of personality might they have?
Perpetrator personality
Are victim and perpetrator personality types individual or organizational antecedents to bullying
Is interesting and challenging work an organisational antecedent to bullying?
No, uninteresting and unchallenging work is
Are poor leadership and working conditions organisational antecedents to bullying?
Is the changing nature of work an organisational antecedent to bullying?
Are people with submissive personalities perceived as easy targets, unable to defend themselves and unable to cope and lack peer support
Do overly anxious and conscientious people experience workplace bullying more often
Is perpetrating workplace bullying associated with an unrealistic sense of self
Is perpetrating workplace bullying associated with a realistic self-esteem
No, overinflated
Is perpetrating workplace bullying associated with high social competence
No, low social competence
Is perpetrating workplace bullying associated with high emotional control and empath
No, low emotional control and empathy
Is perpetrating workplace bullying associated with competitiveness and dominant behaviour
According to Aquino and Lamertz (2004) what are the four archetypal roles of bullying
Submissive victim
Provocative victim
Dominating perpetrator
Reactive perpetrator
According to Aquino and Lamertz are submissive victims low in self-esteem and assertiveness and high in introversion and anxiety
What are the two types of bullying according to Aquino and Lamertz
Episodic and institutionalised
What types of bullying will occur in a relationship between a submissive victim and dominating perpetrator
Low episodic
High intsitutionalised
What types of bullying will occur in a relationship between a submissive victim and reactive perpetrator
What types of bullying will occur in a relationship between a provocative victim and dominating perpetrator
High episodic
Low institutionalised
What types of bullying will occur in a relationship between a provocative victim and reactive perpetrator
Low episodic
High institutionalised
What three factors moderate bullying
Imbalance in social power
third-part actors
central position in organisation’s social network
Does the likelihood of episodic or institutional bullying increased when an org culture has strong norms to support punishment, aggression and coercive power as motivators
Does the likelihood of episodic or institutional bullying increase when an org culture has strong norms supporting incivility and rude behaviour
What are the three levels of Coyne’s (2011) framework for dealing with bullying
What is the function of Coyne’s (2011) framework for dealing with bullying
Prevent, support and remedial action
According to Coyne’s (2011) framework for dealing with bullying what is the role of the Group level
Changing norms and values
According to Coyne’s (2011) framework for dealing with bullying what is the role at the individual level
Interventions to stop victims and perpetrators
Support mechanism
Grievance support
According to Coyne’s (2011) framework for dealing with bullying is the role of the organisation to identify risks and develop a culture of dignity and respect
What level of Coyne’s framework does staff surveys sit at?
Organisational - support
What level of Coyne’s framework does team-building sit at?
Group - remdial
What level of Coyne’s framework does cognitive re-definition sit at?
Individual - remedial
What level of Coyne’s framework does awareness training sit at?
Group - preventative
What level of Coyne’s framework does mental toughness training sit at?
Individual - preventative
Does work-family conflict involve a mutually incompatible conflict between work and family domains
What is the major contsraint for workers with families
Does role overload or role interferance cause tension
Are work-family conflicts integral to modern work
Is work life balance mutually beneficial for all participants
Does work life balance account for individual circumstances
Have Australians achieved work life balance
What is the key factor in failing to achieve work-life balance in Australia
Work hours
How much unpaid overtime is there in Australia in a year and how much of all hours worked does this represent
$110 billion (14.7%)
What proportion or workers reported improvement in worklife balance due to decreased work hours or changing jobs
Who plays the key role in preventing change to work life balance in Australia
Is work-life balance sometimes a matter of personal responsibility
Is work-life balance driven by role fulfillment
Do people underestimate or overestimate the amount of work they can get done in a given time
What is the planning fallacy
Underestimating the duration of tasks
What is a good exercise to prevent the planning fallacy
Thinking of two or three things that could go wrong in every given task
To set realistic deadlines is it better for the individual or a group to set them
What is the cause of women experiencing greater levels of work-family conflict
Enduring differences in sociological roles between genders
Are fathers who take paternity leave more likely to have active roles in child-care tasks
Does a father taking paternity leave have a beneficial effect on a child’s learning ability
In the media reporting on BHP, did the mother or father have to meet evidentiary proof that they were the primary carer
In denmark, what proportion of dads take a fortnights leave
How many countries offer more than two weeks paternity leave
Half a dozen
Is paternity leave good for women’s careers
Does paternity leave improve children’s performance at secondary school and is this effect more pronoucned with sons or daughters
Yes, and daughters
What are the three core elements of workaholism?
Time spent on work
Preoccupation outside work hours
Working beyond what is reasonable
Is spending more hours at work due to internal compulsion over extral factors associated with workaholism
Is an ability to detach from work associated with workaholism?
No, an inability to detach from work is
Are job involvement/commitment, job stress, perfectionism and difficulty delegating associated with workaholism
Is there disagreement over the definition of workaholism
Was Oates defintion of workaholism related to addition or traits
According to Quinones & Griffiths (2015), does the multifaceted approach to workaholism have theoretical support
According to Quinones & Griffiths (2015), what is the limitation of the workaholism battery scale
Enjoyment and work invovlement not supported. Drive the only factor left
According to Quinones & Griffiths (2015), what are the limitations of the Work Addiction Risk Test
Only control and compulsive tendencies differentiate workaholics from non-workaholics
According to Quinones & Griffiths (2015), does the Dutch Work Addiction Scale need excessive behaviour or is compulsivity sufficient
Compulsivity is sufficient
Does the Bergen Work Addiction Scale take a syndrome or component approach to workaholism
What is a positive stereotype of a workaholic
A highly devoted team member who overperforms
What is a negative stereotype for a workaholic
Unhappy obsessive with low job performance
Does workaholism provide people with an acceptable avenue to neglect other aspects of their life
Do biopsychosocial elements contirube to workaholism
What personality traits contribute to workaholism
Compulsivity Obsessiveness Perfectionism Nueroticism Conscientiousness
Is low self-worth predictive of workaholism
Are achievement and self-direction cognitive styles predictive of workaholism
What is introjected regulation
Partially internalised standards of social approval and self-worth
Does having a highly demanding family life reinforce values of effort and discipline make you more or less lilkely to be a workahoklic
Is workaholism higher in professionals
Yes, especially in medicine
Is there good, mixed or weak evidence about job satisfaction for workaholics
Is workaholism the same as work engagement
Should research on workaholism distinguish between short-term gains and long-term costs
According to the demand-control-support model, what is high job strain
Low control over job
High job demand
Low social support
What factor contributes to employee health outcomes over and above psychosocial conditions
Organisational fairness/justice
Although the traditional intervention focuses on the individual, what does the settings approach focus on
Physical, social and organisational elements
What does LeMaontagne argue for in an integrated approach to health in orgs
Protect, promote and address
Is ergonomics related to the design and use of tools, layout of office environment and posture, movement, repetitiveness and strength
What are the four physical areas of ergonomics
Individual physical differences
Does ergonomics use subjective, objective and behavioural methods to assess human response in the work environment
What is an autotelic activity
An activity we engage in because it is so intrincially rewarding
What are Bakker (2008) elements of flow
Intrinsic motivation
In flow, what is dynamic equilibrium
Syndergy between demands of a task and ability to complete it
Is the idea of the suffering artist inherent in creativity or due to societal roadblocks
Due to societal roadblocks
Do artists tend to come from middle class backgrounds
usuaully higher or lower class
Is high curiosity, low-self centeredness, interest in life, persistence and resilience associated with an autotelic personality
What elements of flow predict in-role performance
Work enjoyment (not absorbtion)
What elements of flow predict extra-role performance
Intrinsic motivation