Weimer: emergence of Democratic Republic Flashcards
Before the Weimer Republic, who held considerable power?
Due to Prussian politician Otto von Bismarck (1815-98), the German Empire concentrated considerable power in hands of Kaiser and those he appointed gov ministers
what changes occurred with the political power as war progressed? What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm?
political power more concentrated, Kaiser Wilhelm reduced to a mere symbol – he forfeited his power to the Army High Command
Since abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm who ran the Germany? When?
From late August 1916
Chief of General Staff, Paul von Hindenburg (Field Marshal Hindenburg), together with his chief of staff, Erich Ludendorff (General Ludendorff), ran Germany as a military dictatorship
What impact did militarism playing a crucial role in the creation of German empire have on the ppl?
most Germans grown to accept use of military force as legitimate means of achieving nationalist outcomes
What was a significant factor in undermining Germany democracy?
German military would continue to exert influence (direct/indirect) and can be judged a significant factor in undermining German democracy
What happened in late September?
with defeat near and yielding to Allied demands, the military abruptly handed over to the Reichstag politicians
What burden did the Reichstag politicians have to face with the sudden change in power?
the enormous burden of negotiating a peace settlement. Even though the Germany military dictatorship contributed to decision to go to war in 1914 and also that leadership which resided over their nation’s approaching defeat
Why did Ludendorff suddenly shifted power before end of ww1?
sought to shift blame for defeat and harsh post-war treaty away from army and onto democratic politicians
who did he pass responsibility of war when he gave power to Reichstag?
Passed responsibility to civilian politicians, mostly socialist, who until then had exercised little control over how war run
Who and when became the new chancellor?
October 2, Prince Max von Baden became new chancellor and sought armistice
why was it shock of german ppl for Germany to accept armistice?
told for years that victory was coming. No allied troops on German soil, and German army occupied parts of Belgium and France. Only a few months earlier, nearly took Paris.
What belief spread due to their shock of armistice around the Germans?
the German army had not beed defeated in field but “stabbed in the back” at home.
what is “stab in the back” called in Germany?
who did the stabbing?
socialists, pacifists, Jews, democratic politicians
Why did the stab in back legend serve well for German Army?
although they explained need for armistice, since Ludendorff’s surrender of power in Sept 1918, it was civilian politicians, mostly socialists, who were to be burdened with blame for surrender, defeat, armistice and peace treaty.
What were these politicians blamed for defeat known as?
Scapegoats, known as “November criminals”
What did the stab in the back legend provide?
fertile propaganda for anti-democratic right wing political parties
What impact did stab in back legend have?
Hence, from foundation, the new democratic system of gov burdened with guilt and for many Germans, never achieve legitimacy
Where can the conflict between army and gov be seen due to betrayal?
Army’s support – in March 1920, for e.g., when the elected gov was under severe pressure as result of attempted coup by nationalist Wolfgang Kapp, army chief General Hans von Seeckt refused to support gov
in what world was the democratic republic born into?
world of violence, revolution, defeat and chaos. Began with widespread protest movement, fed by war weariness and demanding extensive reforms. Home front in state of political, economic and social collapse
What happened in November 1918?
‘revolution’ in Germany. Triggered by mutiny at northern port of Kiel = protest by workers. Workers and Soldiers Council set up, spreading across northern Germany. Socialist revolutionary gov established in Bavaria
When did Kaiser Wilhelm abdicate?
9 November
What happened with kaiser Wilhelm’s abdication?
National Assembly was to be elected to draw up a democratic constitution. Some protestors (radical, far left) wanted to go further, replace army with revolutionary militia or nationalise industry
(Germany declared republic)
What would a violence revolution lead to?
change in the social and economic foundation of the nations
What did the Social Democratic Party, Friedrich Ebert declare as his response to possibility of a violent revolution?
“I don’t want that, indeed I hate it like sin”
Due to opposition by Ebert what was the revolution like?
Hence revolution restricted to relatively modest reform of political system, no where near as radical as those protestors with communist sympathies wanted.
what did demobilised soldiers form into?
Free Corps (Freikorps) units, with backing of the regular army and approval of Social Democrats. Paramilitary group, right wing volunteer. Hated socialists as blamed for defeat in war
what did Ebert do as soon as he came into power?
made secret agreement with General Groener, Supreme Command – Ebert-Groener Pact
what was Erbert-Groener Pact?
Groener would maintain army discipline and Ebert would oppose any revolutionary/Bolshevik socio-economic changes
What were the factors included in Ebert Groener Pact?
♣ No right-wing army coup against army
♣ Guaranteed survival of Ebert’s gov
♣ Meant no radical socio-economic changes in Germany
♣ Guaranteed survival of conservative elites and maintenance of army political influence in future.
What happened in Jan 1919?
Far left: Spartacists, led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, later known as Communist Party of Germany – called general strike
What happened with General strike led by Spartacists?
attempt to seize power -> Defence minster, Noske, called Freikorps units to oppose the rebels -> After week of savage fighting, revolution over –> strike called off, captured rebels executed, and Liebknecht and Luxemburg murdered.
What did Freikorps units do throughout Germany?
suppressed other left-wing revolts
What impacts did these events have on Democratic Republic?
♣ Conservative elites remain in power
♣ Army remain key anti-democratic force in German politics
♣ Left in Germany remain divided and distrustful of each other
As first president of the new German Republic, what did Ebert issue a decree of?
Ebert issued a decree which would lead to gov authorities often ignoring illegal actions carried out by right-wing extremists, while suppressing any perceived threat from the left.
what did Ebert’s decree help establish?
He helped establish a precedent which would prove decidedly detrimental to the fortunes of the new Republic as it sought to establish itself
what was the existence of military bands and private armies a threat to?
danger to peaceful political development. The failure of the Weimar Republic to take firm action to suppress these bands permitted the electorate to be intimidated and contributed to the destruction of democracy
What was the Weimer Coalition formed from National Assembly?
Political parties supporting a program of moderate reform – the Social Democrats, the Centre Party and the German Democrats – received majority of votes (Elections for national assembly) and formed gov known as “Weimer Coalition’.
when was the election for the National Assembly held?
19th January 1919
What had the Assembly drawn up and ratified by end of July 1919?
a new constitution
What was the new constitution like?
It meant that a Reichstag would be elected at least every 4 years, elections would be conducted on the basis of proportional representation, a President would be elected every 7 years and in times of emergency the President would be empowered to ‘rule by decree’ (Article 48) and under Article 25 to dismiss the Reichstag and arrange new elections
what were the 2 parliament houses?
Reichstag (people’s house) and Reichsrat (states’ house)
What did Germany have during Weimer period?
one of most successful social welfare systems in world
What did Weimer’s successful social welfare systems sought to do?
♣ Sought to safeguard the fundamental rights of citizens
♣ All citizens entitled to free welfare
♣ Unemployment benefits
♣ Compulsory state arbitration of disputes between employers and unions introduced.