2. Initial consolidation of power 1933-1934 Flashcards
what did Nazis try o do while preventing any serious opposition?
concentrate as much power as possible
what was the Nazi’s form of terror?
physical violence
What did Nazi member Goring do/have?
control over the police across half of Germany and established an ‘auxiliary police’ that targeted people from the left wing of politics and the Jews
what occurred on 1st April 1933?
declared Boycott Day
what was Boycott day and when?
1st April 1933
where detachments of the SA and Hitler Youth painted slogans on Jewish businesses and prevented customers from entering.
What did the Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service provide?
provided for the dismissal from government employment, any non-Aryans or people married to non-Aryans
what allowed the dismissal from government employment, any non-Aryans or people married to non-Aryans?
The Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service
What was brought under Nazi control by Goebbels?
Under Propaganda Minister, Goebbels, all forms of espression brought under Nazi control
What happened in Feb 1933?
Reichstag building was burnt down
who was blamed for reichstag fire?
Communists were blamed (heightened communist threat)
what was proclaimed from Reichstag fire?
an emergency decree, known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, was proclaimed
what did the Reichstag Fire Decree give gov?
This decree gave the government the power to place ‘restrictions on personal liberty, on the right to free expression, on freedom of the press’ etc.
Suspension of constitutional freedoms.
what did the Reichstag decree do for Nazi?
This gave the Nazis enormous power to deal with political opponents
Why was Reichstag Fire useful for Nazis?
Needed for election campaign, to whip up fear, to be focus of the Nazi propaganda and spilt votes of working class
What decree introduced from fear of communism threat is real? By who?
Introduction of the decree For the Protection of People and State. – emergency decree prepared by Nazis issued by President von Hindenburg
Under Article 48, what did Hindenburg suspend? (decree For the Protection of People and State)
human rights of German people
What did Article 48, decree For the Protection of People and State and Reichstag Fire Decree make?
Basis of totalitarian state established. Nothing stopping Nazis to uses these powers against other ppl and communists
in 1933, what did the permanent state of emergency give Nazi?
gave regime the ‘legal’ authority to carry out acts of terror and persecution against German ppl.
When was Enabling Act introduced?
March 1933
what did the Enabling Act do?
replaced parliamentary democracy with the role of Hitler and the Nazi Party
Benefits of Enabling Act for Nazi Party?
It did away with the need for new laws to be voted upon by the Reichstag. Hitler became the law and the Reichstag had no practical use. Gave total power for 4 years.
When Hitler in gov, what did he do? What did it enable officials and Nazi supporters to do?
Hitler gave the appearance of acting legally but their laws actually destroyed the civil liberties of others;
it also enabled the officials and Nazi supporters to act criminally without fear of punishments.
What did the Nazi party exploit once in government?
exploited the opportunities provided by democracy to destroy it
What happened in May 1933 to make clear no independent thinking allowed?
Book Burning
What happened in early July 1933?
All other political parties were disbanded
Nazi became the only legal political party in Germany
Why did majority of Germans approve Hitler Outlawing political oppositions?
saw this as Hitler providing the strong leadership that they wanted
German word for co-ordination of German Society?
Why did Nazis set about co-ordination?
intended that German society and its institutions should conform to Nazi principles.
what did Gleischaltung involve?
closing down of independent organizations, to be replaced with the Nazi controlled organizations
What electrical device ‘co-ordinated’ by Nazi?
quote by Propaganda Minister Goebbels describing the use of radio:
“the most modern and the most important instrument of mass influence that exists anywhere”.
Other than Hitler’s ambition of obtaining power and holding it, what were his long term aims?
foreign policy.
Sought to undo Treaty of Versailles, restore Germany’s position in Europe, and gain ‘lebensraum’ or ‘living space’ in eastern Europe and Soviet Union.
What did Hitler need to achieve his long term goals?
needed army, business and industry on side
What did Hitler and Ernst Rohm not share the same view of?
For Hitler, ‘the revolution was over’ but not view of 3 million SA led by Ernst Rohm
What did Rohm seek?
second revolution and establishment of a national people’s militia. He harbored visions of being Germany’s true leader
What did President Hindenburg, army leaders and business leaders all demand in response to threat of SA?
that Hitler get SA under control or ultimatum: the end of Nazi power was to come
Quote to describe threat of SA seeking second revolution?
o William S Shirer:
“Not only was his plan to succeed the president in jeopardy; if the army took over, tha would be the end of him and of Nazi government.”
What did Hitler decide to do with SA?
Hitler made decision to go against long term, loyal Nazi colleagues in the SA.
What was ‘Operation Hummingbird’?
for SA leadership to be destroyed. Himmler’s growing SS organization used to execute plan in Bavaria and Berlin.
Quote to show Hindenburg’s approval of Hitler destroying SA’s attempt at revolution?
o Hindenburg was happy with success:
“You have rescued the German people from a great danger. For that I express to you my heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation”
When was the Night of Long Knives?
30th June 1934
What did SS leader do with Hitler’s approval?
SS leader, Heinrich Himmler, organized an attack on the SA leadership. The SS struck on the ‘Night of the Log Knives’ killing 200 people
Quote by Ernest Rohm describing betrayal by Hitler?
“Hitler is betraying all of us… his old comrades aren’t good enough for him…”
What happened at Night of long Knives?
Rohm murdered, Goering and Himmler took opportunity of this event to remove other opponents of regime such as Chancellor von Schleicher, Gregor Strasser
what was gone with death of Rohm?
Threat SA, Rohm’s leadership aspirations and possibility of second revolution gone
Outcomes of Night of the Long Knives: Army?
The army was satisfied that Hitler had dealt with the threat and the brutality of this operation impressed the generals. Out of gratitude the army’s troops swore a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler on the 2nd August 1934
Quote to describe satisfaction of Army from Hitler’s action against SA?
Richard Evans:
“General Blomberg expressed his gratitude and assured Hitler of the complete devotion of the army”
Outcomes of Night of the Long Knives: what did the Generals have no problem of Hitler doing?
combining the positions of Chancellor and President when Hindenburg died.
Outcomes of Night of the Long Knives: what did Hitler achieve with army?
achieved the backing of the army
Outcomes of Night of the Long Knives: Hitler’s direct involvement?
enhanced his popularity as the Germans believed the propaganda that the murder demonstrated the Führer’s determination to uphold law and order
Quote to show benefits of Hitler’s involvement in getting rid of SA:
Ian Kershaw:
“the popular esteem gained through his destruction of the generally hated SA was a further boost to Hitler’s power”
Outcomes of Night of the Long Knives: what was Hitler’s power like now?