1. Collapse of the Weimer republic 1929-1933 Flashcards
what did the depression create?
created feelings of desperation and psychological disillusionment within German people -> polarisation of German politics and increasing political violence.
what did the depression give Hitler and Nazi Party?
opportunity to gain support and made possible the behind the scene manoeuvring by conservative elites which would lead to Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor.
changes to Weimer constitution?
Increasing political polarisation and difficulty to form a coalition government, Weimar constitution gave enormous powers to President.
After resignation of Muller, what happened to ruling cabinets?
Cabinets became presidential, with the chancellor being chosen by Hindenburg, and the Reichstag became increasingly irrelevant in process of political decision making
Who was elected President in 1925 at age 78?
Following successful military career conservative, Paul von Hindenburg was elected President (2nd of weimer Republic)
who did Hindenburg rely on advice of?
of small circle of military officers including his son, Oskar, and general Kurt von Schleicher (anti-republicans/democracy
what were the ppl that Hindenburg relied objectives?
Their objective to change into authoritarian state government by the political right.
what did Hindenburg abandon?
the parliamentary convention that a gov needed support of a majority in Reichstag
Who and when did Hindenburg appoint as Chancellor?
March 1930
Heinrich Bruning
what did Heinrich Bruning do?
He severely restricted the right of press to criticise gov policies – a significant setback to democratic freedom. Also worsened impact of Depression on unemployed by reducing their small unemployment benefits
What does historian describe Bruning’s appointment as chacellor as?
British historian AJP Taylor describe Bruning’s appointment as the end of democracy in Germany
Bruning’s aim?
planned to dismantle whatever remained of social welfare system, and eventually to reduce powers of the Reichstag, and introduce a more authoritarian system of gov. to enforce these policies, relied on Hindenburg to use his emergency powers.
What did Bruning state that he would do if Reichstag wont support his policies?
would request use of emergency powers under Article 48
what happened under Bruning?
During his chancellorship the no. of meeting days of Reichstag fell from 94 in 1930 to 13 in 1932, while no. of emergency decrees under Article 48 rose from five to sixty-six.
Although Hindenburg was re-elected, what happened to bruning?
Hindenburg withdrew support from Bruning, resigned on 30 May 1932
Who replaced bruning?
replaced by Papen, and Papen was replaced by Schleicher but he was not able to gain a majority in the Reichstag
What was Nazi Party like?
While not have majority, Hitler’s Nazi Party was largest party in Reichstag
how did Nazi get majority votes?
As consequence of significant sections of population turning to Nazis during Depression, due to fears of middle class, many turned to Nazi in hope that they would prevent communist takeover.
Why did political scheming happen?
‘old right’, characterised by aristocrats and army officers around Hindenburg, had own plan to get rid of democracy and return to form of authoritarian gov. to use popularity of Nazis, the ‘new right’, and manipulate Hitler
Why did Schleicher want hitler become member of his gov?
Could result in the Army, which had been limited to 100 000 by Treaty, to increased by addition of 400 000 members of Nazi Party’s private army, the SA. However, Schleicher badly miscalculated.
What did Hitler say that he would only give support if?
Hitler would only have Nazi Party support a gov if himself was Chancellor.
What did Papen set out to do out of revenge from undermining him to be dismissed from chancellorship?
Out of revenge, Papen set to have Schleicher removed and replaced by Hitler
What did Hindenburg view Hitler?
opposed Hitler but due to his advisors such as von Papaen and his son, he became convinced that there was no danger in making Hitler chancellor
When was Hitler appointed chancellor?
30 January 1933
what happened to von Papen with appointment of Hitler as chancellor?
Von Papen would be vice chancellor
What did von Papen and his allies boast at the time?
that Hitler would a “chancellor in chains” and that “we have hired him”.
Why was this development preferable for conservative politicians, army officers and businesses?
development preferable as democracy allowed despised Social democrats a say in decision making process
Did democracy fail? what did it lead to?
Germany’s democracy had failed. By 1930s, key players of Germany no longer wanted parliamentary democracy to work. Led to emergence of authoritarian regime, backed by military – Hitler and Nazi Party
What did the depression create - quote?
“The depression created a situation in which the parliamentary system broke down, opening way to presidential government by decree”
– W.H. Simon.
What did Mazower state about the political scheming?
“Weimar in the 1920’s was clearly a democracy: Under Chancellor Brüning it was less of one; under von Papen and Schleicher – Hitler’s immediate predecessor – it was already very close to being an authoritarian state”