3. Terror and Repression; SA and SS Flashcards
SA stand for?
What is SA?
set up as the Nazi Party private army.
What were members of SA known as?
Its members were known as the ‘storm troopers’ or ‘brown shirts’.
What happened to SA?
The SA was important in the Nazi rise to power but once Hitler came to power it lost its role and was supplanted by the SS.
Who were Early members of SA?
WWI veterans and people who were badly affected by the 1920’s.
What role SA play when Hitler came to power?
the SA was incorporated into the police and they intimidated people during the election campaign of 1933, along with the SS
SA responsible for in 1933?
running the Concentration Camps with brutality
What did Rohm and his supporters want for SA?
to take over the role of the German army, however Hitler didn’t.
What resulted from conflict between Hitler and Rohm?
program, the Night of the Long Knives resulted from conflict between Hitler and Rohm. 200 people were killed but only 50 of them were actually SA members
What happened after Night of Long Knives?
SA replaced by SS, play less significant role within the Party now
What was the Gestapo?
Secret State Police Nov 1933
Purpose of Gestapo?
to protect the regime against its enemies – became byword for cruelty and brutality
What was feared from Gestapo?
Visits by Gestapo feared. Activities not hidden and those released from custody provided organization with free propaganda regarding its behavior
Despite such fears, what didn’t Gestapo have? what was it actually like?
have manpower to be the overreaching security organ that popular legends would have. Often worked in conjunction with other police organization.
It was also a reactive organization; it responded to approaches made to it rather than seek out opponents itself
Why was denunciation of others common?
As many Germany accepted warnings of threat to the nation and hence needed little persuasion to report anything suspicious to authority, as way of showing loyalty
What did Goering state when asked how Nazis managed and sustained control?
he only had to convince people they were being attacked and that opposition to the regime was unpatriotic
Who were Gestapo members?
filled with public servants, not Nazi fanatics and the myth that it was efficient is false
Was Gestapo effectively administered?
it was a bureaucratic jungle, weighed down by rules and restrictions
What did Germans believe about Gestapo?
– mass Germans believe Gestapo efficient and repressive, hence was effective in influencing people.
‘it is not the truth that counts but what people believe is the truth’
Who led Gestapo?
First Goering in charge then Himmler
What does SS stand for?
Schutzstaffel (elite)
What is SS?
initially a small bodyguard for Hitler and was made up of the most committed party members.
what was SS responsible for?
It was responsible for the terror campaigns against opponents, security and the implementation of Nazi racial policies
What did the SS become?
Himmler took over leadership of the SS and it became the most powerful organization within the Nazi movement
What was SS committed to?
Hitler and his ideology
Role of SS?
It gained control of the police, set up the concentration camp system and was responsible for state security and the secret police.
How was Concentration Camp made?
The Reichstag Fire Decree of Feb 1933 suspended constitutional clauses which guaranteed personal liberty – this same decree allowed for the ‘protective custody’ of opponents of the regime of those ‘threatening the social order’ = Concentration camp system
What is reports of March 1933?
reports appeared in the press of 1000’s of people being arrested in police round ups of communists.
why were concentration camps made?
Because the regular prisons were crowded, a system of concentration camps were established to hold these prisoners.
why did public accept concentration camp?
essential to preserving law and order.
What were concentration camps intended as?
re-education centres, where fellow Germans who had been misled into following communism could be rehabilitated. But, mainly associated with treatment of Jews today
What did Hitler make clear about concentration camps?
to be organized on brutal lines to destroy all opposition and intimate any potential dissent.
Example of concentration camp
Dachau Concentration Camp
Quote of how surveillance reached down to block warden system
Richard Evans:
“The Nazi terror machine reached down even to the smalled units of everyday life and daily work”