Weight Management Flashcards
Why has the use of BMI to define obesity met with criticism over the years?
it does not measure body fat, but rather total body weight relative to height
We should not use BMI charts for what population of people?
individuals with more muscle mass than the average person
So who can we use BMI charts
the vast majority of the population
Bat fat calipers
measure skin folds at precise body sites
Hydrostatic weighing
complete submersion is water
Bioelectrical impedance analysis
electrical current through the body
Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
radiation distinguish bone, muscle, water and fat density
air displacement plethymography
Hamwi method
Males start with 106 lbs for the first 5 feet
add or subtract 6 lbs per inch over or under 5 feet
Females start with 100 lbs for the first 5 feet
add or subtract 5 lbs per inch over or under 5 feet
The add or subtract 10% to get total healthy range
In order to come up with a more accurate “ideal body weight” what 3 things would need to be considered?
frame size
essentiality of body fat
Being thin is just as dangerous to your health as being obese
What is the major contributor to obesity in America?
physical inactivity
Overall _ _ is the primary cause of excess weight.
energy imbalance
1lb of fat equals how many kcal’s?
An excess of 100 kcal of fat per day could equal a gain of _ lbs per year
100 times 365 (days in a year)
divided by 3500 (1 lb of fat in kcal’s)
Why do fad diets not work (2)
Scientific inaccuracies and misinformation
Failure to address the necessity of changing long term habits and behaviors
Effects of fasting (5)
Acidosis Low blood pressure Electrolyte imbalance A loss of lean muscle mass Decreased BMR
Why do macronutrient restrictions not work? (2)
Too restrictive to maintain for extended periods
They also carry health risks
Effects of body wraps. What actually happens?
No real weight loss. Just temporary water loss
Diet drugs _ _ intake by suppressing appetite, _ _ expenditure by stimulating _, and _absorption of _ in the gut.
reduce energy increase energy BMR reducing food
Two types of weight loss surgeries preformed?
Gastric restriction (making the stomach smaller) Combination procedures (making the stomach smaller and inducing malabsorption
List 4 concepts that clients MUST understand and accept before they can expect to see any results
no short cuts
weight loss requires handwork
and individual motivation
Life style change in food and activity
A good weight management program must be based on what 5 characteristics?
realistic goals negative energy balance nutritional adequacy cultural appeal energy readjustment to maintain weight
Define normal eating (4)
eating when hungry and stopping when full
demonstrating moderate restraint with food selection
recognizing that overeating and undereating are sometimes acceptable
having the ability to be flexible with eating schedule
Genetic predisposition, OCD, dieting behavior, acculturation, high level of exercise, perfectionism, body dysmorphic disorder, negative self evaluation are all risk factors for _ _
Anorexia Nervosa
Negative self evaluation, low perceived social support, parental influences such as comments about weight, parental obesity, childhood obesity, high use of escape avoidance coping, all or none perceptions about eating, and impulsive personality are all risk factors for _ _
Bulimia Nervosa
Related exposure to negative comments about shape, weight, and eating, negative self evaluation, perfectionism, childhood obesity, low self esteem, high levels of body concern, high use of escape avoidance coping, and low levels of perceived social support are all risk factors for _ _ _
Binge Eating Disorder
Who are the professionals qualified to treat eating disorders?
% of adults overweight in the US
% of adults that are obese in the US
% of adults that are extremely obese in the US
% of children and adolescents that are obese in the US
BMI (3)
Body Mass Index
Height vs Weight
Inappropriate for those near “ideal weight”
Assessing body composition plus or minus 1-2%
Hydrostatic Weighing
Dual Energy x-ray absorptiometry
Assessing body composition plus or minus 2-3%
Air Plethysmography (BOD POD) Skinfold measurements
Assessing body composition plus or minus 3-4%
Bioelectric Impedance
Body fat percentage for minimum life, not optimal for function
Males 5%
Females 12%
Set Point Theory
Everyone has a genetic “set point” for their body size
It changes with age
It is set by genetics
It can be overridden but must be maintained for life
Fat Cell Theory
Born with genetic amount of fat cells
Children/Adolescents can increase in number
Adults can increase in size (in extreme cases also in number)
What stimulates poor eating behavior?
Certain situations boredom Parties Emotions Actual places/activities the commute in front of the TV
ADA guidelines for Carbs
ADA guidelines for protein
ADA guidelines for fat
ACSM guidelines for weight loss
no less than 1200-1800 calories per day