Weibliche Geschlechtsorgane - Vulva Flashcards
What is the most common reason for vulvitis?
A reactive inflammation in response to (in Erwiderung auf)
an exogenous stimulus. This can be an irritant (Reizmittel-Chem)
or an allergen
What pathological secondary symptom exacerbates (verschlimmert) the primary condition?
Puritis (itching) causes scratching which results in trauma. This often exacerbates the primary condition
How does Contact irritant eczymatous dermatitis (Toxisches Kontaktekzem) becomes manifest in vulvitis? What is the visible pathology?
Contact irritant eczymatous dermatitis (Toxisches Kontaktekzem)
manifests as well-defined erythematous weeping (nässend) and crusting papules (Knötchen, Papel)
- nass, rot, verkrustete Knötchen
Reaction to urine, soaps, detergents, antiseptics, deodorants or alcohol
Was ist diese “Irritant contact dermatitis”?
In der Medizin beschreibt das toxische Kontaktekzem (Syn. toxische Kontaktdermatitis, irritatives Kontaktekzem - für die chronische Form auch kumulativ subtoxisches Kontaktekzem)[1] eine direkte Schädigung der Haut infolge einer äußeren Ursache. Sie äußert sich typischerweise in akuten oder chronischen ekzematösen Veränderungen, die durch den direkten und intensiven Kontakt der Haut mit einer Substanz, die potentiell toxisch wirken kann, entstehen. Betroffen sind daher die Hautpartien, die unmittelbar mit der Substanz in Berührung kommen, meistens Hände und Unterarme.
Vulvitis also may be caused by infections, which are often sexually transmitted. Count the most important infectious agents in North America!
- HPV (human papillomavirus)
- the causative agent of condyloma acuminatum
- vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
- HSV-1/2
- N. Gonorrhoeae
- Treponema pallidum
- Candida
What is an important complication of vulvitis/ what can happen with the vagina because of a vulvitis?
What are the symptoms?
An important complication of vulvitis is obstruction of the excretory ducts of Bartholin glands!
This blockage may result in painful dilation of the glands - Bartholin cyst -
and abscess formation
Vulvitis -
wozu dienen die Bartholinische Drüse?
Sie dient der produktion eines mukösen Sekrets, welche den Scheidenvorhof befeuchtet
Die Bartholinische Drüse oder Glandula vestibularis major ist eine paarige, etwa erbsengroße Drüse des weiblichen Genitale. Sie gehört zu den akzessorischen Geschlechtsdrüsen der Frau und entspricht der Bulbourethraldrüse des Mannes.
Non-Neoplastic Epithelial Disorders
What are both of the most frequent observed non-neoplastic epithelial disorders at the vulvar mucosa?
Lichen sclerosus and lichen simplex chronicus
Lichen Sclerosus
What kind of ilness is Lichten Sclerosus?
An autoimmune disease! With activated T-cells in the subepithelial inflammatory infilrate
Lichen Sclerosus
What parts of the vagina are affected?
Labia, clitoris, or Klotorisvorhaut (foreskin of the clitoris), or
the perianal area
Lichen sclerosus
What happens with the mucosa (pathology)?
Lichen sclerosus is characterized by
- thinning of the epidermis,
- disappearance of rete pegs (physiologische epitheliale
wellenartige Ausbreitung ins Gewebe -rosa welle)
- hydropic degeneration of the basal cell
(Hydropic degeneration is a condition in
which excessive amounts of water accumulate/ansammeln in
dysfunctional cells. In general, hydropic degeneration is
reversible, provided the inciting/anstacheln cause is resolved)
- dermal fibrosis
- a scant (ungenügend) perivascular, mononuclear inflammatory
cell infiltrate
Lichen Sclerosus
How appears Lichen Sclerosus in macroscopy view?
- Smooth
- white plaques (leukoplakia)
- papules that in time may extend and coalesce (vereinigen)
Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen Sclerosus is an autoimmune skine disease which can be observed my women and men, extragenital and genital.
In case of the genital Lichen Sclerosus of women, what age groups are affacted?
Lichen sclerosus occurs in all age groups!!!
But most commonly affects postmenopausal women
Lichen Sclerosus
Is Lichen Sclerosus dangerous?
Lichen sclerosus is benign!
However a small percentage of women 1-5% develop
Plattenepithelkarzinom=squamous cell carcinoma, of the vulva
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
How is the mucosa affected by Lichen Simplex Chronicus?
- epithelial thickening (in particularly of the stratum granulosum)
- hyperkerarosis (Verhornung)
- An increased mitotic acivity in the basal and suprabasal layers
can be found (but no epithelial atypia) - sometimes there is a pronounced (deutlich) leukocytic infiltration
of the dermis