weeks 3-4 Flashcards
how can a phenomenon so amazingly complex as human consciousness
(the state of being awake and aware of one’s surrounding) human consciousness
develop from the simple meeting of the sperm and the egg and in just nine months
and now according to parapsychology that is recognized as a branch of science
(the supposed process of communicating through means rather than the senses, as by the direct exchange of thought)
(excessively concerned with material possessions) we are living in a materialistic society
beyond normal limit
telepathy, materialistic, excessive
phenomena like telepathy are increasingly difficult to fit into the materialistic model of mind
humans have a natural tendency to follow the crowd
Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhism and the purpose of life
their friends are having a bad influence on them
(lack of knowledge or information) that cause it, craving and ignorance
(transmit a program or some information by radio or television)
that have been developed and conditioned in this life
fertilized egg
re-establishes itself in a fertilized egg
carry over
that have been carried over from the last life
there are several realms in which one can be reborn
refer to
(mention to) the word kamma mean “action” and refer to our intentional mental, verbal and body actions
intentional mental
the word kamma mean “action” and refer to our intentional mental, verbal and body actions
(relate to or in the form of words)
most of girls like gentle men
tend to
have tendency to
gentle, tend to
the gentle, loving type of person tends to be reborn in a heaven realm
(the state of being greater in number or amount) or as a human being who has a predominance of pleasant experiences
(marked by extreme and violent energy) the person who develops obsessive cravings, fierce longings, fierce hatred
(a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work) her ambition was to become a model
sự xác định, sự định rõ, sự quyết tâm
fierce, ambition
person who develops obsessive cravings, fierce longings, and burning ambition that can never be satisfied tends to be reborn as a hungry spirit or as a human being frustrated by longing and wanting
(sincerity is the virtue of one who speaks and acts truly about his or her own feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and desires)
(put to use) he exerted all his influence to make them accept this plan
sincerity, exert
it depends on our sincerity, how much energy we exert and how strong the habit is
take advantage of
(to use someone or something for one’s own benefit) The Buddhist understand this and take advantage of each and every opportunity to break mental habits that have unpleasant result
to modify the habit patterns of the mind
refrain from
(stop oneself from doing something) she refrained from comment
(very noticeable or marked) if being patient and kind were a pronounced part of your character in your last life, such tendencies would re-emerge in the present life
(move out of or away from something and come into view) such tendencies would re-emerge in the present life
(able to be noticed) this is based upon the simple and observable fact
(to move or lift - something - so that it is no longer smooth) it tends to happen that you are not easily ruffled by others; life without ruffle is my wish;
you don’t hold grudges, people like you and thus your experience tends to be happier; I don’t have a grudge against people like you;
(fail to care properly, not pay proper attention to that can lead to unpleasant result) Don’t neglect your study.
strengthen v adj adv noun
strengthen (verb of strength) but in the present life you neglect to strengthen and develop such tendencies; strong adj; strength noun; strongly adv
weaken v adj adv noun
n weakness; v weaken; adj weak; adv weakly
(a tendency to become angry easily) (an angry state of mind) a short temper, anger, and cruelty could grow and develop, bringing with them all the unpleasant experiences such attitudes create
(a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used) there is not a scrap of evidence to prove the existence of heaven
a full-scaled nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race
not only (cau truc cau ntn)
Not only will they paint the outside of the house but also the inside
must be v-ing
(expressing an opinion about something that is logically very likely) there must be something wrong; you must be tired; and of course evidence of annihilation at death must be lacking
likely winner
likely, maybe, surely
maybe < likely < surely
some people have vivid memories
some people have vivid memories of their former lives
Ian Stevenson was an accredited scientist
suggestive of
see “twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation”
see “twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation”
cold, hard fact
when cold hard facts produced to support an idea
(rational people are also the people who are perceived as being very reasonable. They are also considered intelligent as they are able to see both the emotional, as well as the logical side of an argument) Don’t be so rational!
rational vs logical
rational (more experimental) vs logical (more scientific)
(1. an opposite views, typically a heated or angry one: I’ve had an argument with my father. 2. A reason or set of reasons give with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong: he rejected the argument that keeping the facility would be costly)
(speak or act in opposite to: the second argument is more difficult to counter)
I never do anything important on Friday the 13th - I’m superstitious
a conversation
plausible; probable; possible
- seeming probable - believable; likely; it could happen. Reincarnation is a very plausible idea
look at the evolution of time
(-of the soul- pass into a different body after death)
(-of a person- move from one area or country to settle in another, especially in search of work. Rural populations have migrated to urban areas.
the definition of migrate is “move from one area or country to settle in another”
(a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by church, political party or other group) The doctrine of transmigration
(the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence) There was much speculation over the cause of his resignation
(show or prove to be right, reasonable) The result was a vindication of all out efforts
ready to hand
(close to you and therefore available for use when necessary) Buddhist speculation found - ready to hand - the means of constructing a plausible vindication of the ways of the Cosmos to man.
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