w0506 d1315 m3 msdos Flashcards
go after
verb, to attempt to obtain; strive for. You will never get what you want if you don?t go after it energetically.
low-hanging fruit
the fruit that grows low on the tree and therefore easy to reach. We’ll go after the low-hanging fruit right away and start off with a few lines of code that actually create a visible result.
start off / start out
verb, to start a journey. Let’s start out by assuming that you have AE opened and have created a comp.
adj, tien dan, tien len. You may want to do this with each progressive version of the script.
verb, dinh vi. Because AE will let you navigate to them in the “Run Script” menu
Let’s look at the first line of code in detail: myComp = app.project.item(1); in this line, we’re create a variable named “myComp” that we can use to access and manipulate attributes of our comp.
noun, ky hieu, loi ghi chu
it est, that is. “app” is the scripting notation for the application (i.e. After Effects).
verb, refer to. So, to summarize, the first line of our script say create an object name “myComp” that references the first item in the project window.
Let’s move on the next line, here it is again: mySolid=myComp.layers.addSolid([1.0,1.0,0],”my square”,50,50,1); ?”duration” is the duration of the layer(in second). If you omit this parameter (as we did) the layer’s duration will be the same as the comp’s.
verb, lam ngan. In fact, the abbreviated version of the script will do exactly the same thing: app.project.item(1).layers.addSolid(?);
adj, rong, trong rong ben trong. Now let’s see how could we modify this code to create a hollow square by adding a mask to the solid.
noun, su thoa thuan ngam, quy uoc, tuc le, le thuong, hiep dinh. The code we’ve previously discussed is shown in a darker color - the code we’ve just added is in white. That?s a convention I’ll maintain throughout the site.
As you see, the mask has been added and our square has a whole punched in it. Verb, noun, dam, thoi, thui, khoan, bam lo tren ve, dong dinh.
associated with / associate
verb, noun, cong tac, phoi hop. A shape has four attributes associated with it that define the outline of the mask.
adj, tinh, khong thay doi gia tri hay vi tri. And finally, we use the “setValue” method to establish the static shape of our mask.
cast a spell on me
em nem a la bua me len toi, cast la nem, spell la bua me.
ricochet ri-cow-shade
adj, kha nang bat lai, rebound off a surface at a particle angle. Noun, su cham nay len.
adj, kha nang chong dan. I’m bulletproof; bulletproof glass.
A flexible pipe (ong nuoc deo)
Verb, phe binh, chi trich
I’m criticised