w0910 2828 m3 openoffice Flashcards
Vanish /v
biến mất không báo trước
trace /n
dấu vết. Thirty years ago, the author vanished without a trace.
clue /n
đầu mối. But according to this new clue, we may have found his secret hiding place.
chop /v
đốn, chặt. Chop it down, dude.
stoke /v
cho than vào đốt. I’m so stoked about this.
afoot /adv
on foot, walking, happening or being planned or prepared. I think there’s romance afoot.
skeptical /adj
tính nghi ngờ. You’re over wendy? Allow me to put on my skepticles.
level /n
- tầng cấp, 2. bar,handle, cần gạt điều khiển. Hey, is it just me or that branch kind of look like a level?
prototype /n
mẫu thử nghiệm. I’ll get Soos to draw up a prototype.
Lumberjack / lumberman /n
người tiều phu, nghề tiều phu. My dad made me take these lumberjack games when I was a child.
kind of/ sort of /adv
hơi hơi. Sort of like me, I suppose.
fallout shelter /n
hầm trú ẩn. It’s like a fallout shelter or something.
fuzzy /adj
fuzz /n lông tơ. My face feels fuzzy.
Dispenser /n
a machine a container that you can get something from. A soup dispenser. Oh my gosh, a Shmez dispenser.
creepy /adj
rùng mình, sởn gai ốc. It’s a creepy silence.
way /adj
to a great degree or a great distance, very much. Yeah, this room is way creepy.
caterpillar /n ke-tơ-pi-lờ
sâu bướm
surveillance /n
sự theo dõi kiểm tra giám sát những kẻ bị nghi ngờ. Get a load with this crazy surveillance room.
hilarious /adj
vui nhộn hài hước. Soos, Soos, that’s hilarious.
embarrass /v
làm lúng túng ngượng nghịu. It’s a bad idea, I would just embarrass myself.