w0910 2425 m3 openoffice Flashcards
stubborn /adj
he’s stubborn, that’s his problem
suppose /v
cho là; to think that smt is likely to be true; he’s stubborn, sort of like me, I suppose.
sucker /n
người dễ tin vào những gì mình nói và do đó dễ bị lừa gạt, “Who will buy that painting? Oh, sucker will come along” Take that, sucker.
board up /v
to cover a door or window with wooden boards. We need to board up all the window.
fuse /n
cầu chì, fuse box /hộp cầu chì, I taught the zombie how to get to the fuse box.
toaster /n
máy nướng sandwitch, toast /n bánh mì bị nướng. Now we’re toast.
the attic /n
gác mái. You two, attic, now!
jerk /n
tên dở người. All right, you undead jerks, you ready to die twice?
wrinkly /adj
nhăn nheo. The only wrinkly monster who harasses my family is me.
invicible /adj
không thể bị ngăn chặn. Previously though to be invicible.
skull /n
hộp sọ, đọc là sko-ồ
shatter /v
làm vỡ tan hoàn toàn. Their skull can be shattered by a perfect three parts harmony.
intentionally /adv
cố ý. I can make noise with my body, sometimes intentionally.
obvious /adj
easy to see, recognize or understand. Boys, boys. I think you’re both missing the obvious solution.
dawn /n
bình minh. Friday night, we’re gonna party till dawn.
take over /v
chiếm lấy, hoặc to become a dominant. Togetther: we’re taking over the dance floor.
duck /v
cúi đầu xuống ngay
ruin /v
phá hỏng. I’m sorry about this, guy. I totally ruined everything.
bombshell /n
news - a sudden and often unpleasant piece of news.
handyman /n
người phụ việc sửa chữa nhà cửa. Anyway where is my handyman?
plain /adj
not decorated in anyway. All this time the author’s secret were hiding in plain sight.
mess with somebody /v
dây vào ai, thường là không tốt. Darn kid, he has no idea what he’s messing with.
fought /v
v3 của fight
frown /n
a facial expression of dislike or displeasure. Just look at these text, winky frown?
wink /n
cái nháy mắt
junk /n
- rubbish, 2. anything that you consider to be worthless or useless. I love doing junk with my friends!
genuine /adj
thật, chính cống, xác thực. Real leather means genuine leather. Hey easy with that, it’s genuine plastic.
pave /v
tráng bê tông. And re-pave the cracks in the parking lot when you’re at it.
woodpecker /n
chim gõ kiến. Uh..a big woodpecker.
change /n
- sự thay đổi, 2. tiền thối lại, tiền lẻ. Don’t forget your change! …keep the change!
patch /n
miếng vá. I’m winking under my eye patch.
run off /v
chạy trốn. Now where’d those kids run off to?
rhyme /n /raim/
a word that has a same last sound as another word.