w0708 d1619 m3 msdos Flashcards
adj, deu, cong bang, ngang bang. He was asleep and breathing evenly
adv, cach nhau, tach nhau, de rieng. The two houses stood 500 metres apart
evenly, apart
First, we are going to add a code to create five position keyframes evenly spaced in time at one second apart.
clockwise, /clock-waiz/
In the code above, we create keyframes every second, moving the square in a clockwise direction around the comp.
- cuoc cach mang, 2. vong quay. The revelotion of the Earth around the Sun takes one year. To set the Rotation value at 720 degrees (two complete revolutions)
revise /ri-vaiz/
verb, doc lai, sua lai, duyet lai, xet lai. We will revise the contract this evening and have it to be signed tomorrow. Here is the revised code:
noun, doan doc thoai thoai; verb, provide or build something with a ramp. A wheelchair ramp. ..and then were setting five keyframes that ramp the layer’s scale between 100% and 50% for four seconds.
adj, co kha nang duy tri, bao tri duoc. ..some things that you can do to make your script more readable, more maintainable..
verb, noun, 1. cach cu xu; 2 may moc: chay. ..some things that you can do to make your script more readable, more maintainable and just generally better behaved.
noun, trang thai hap dan loi cuon, su ket hop giua vitality (su tran day suc song) va glamour (su quyen ru cuon hut). This stuff doesn’t add a lot of pizzazz but it will make you a better scripter.
otherwise /other-waiz/
adv, in another or different manner, she thought otherwise, unlike or, otherwise is not a conjunction, it’s an abverb. Unless you will instruct AE to do otherwise.
lien tu
verb, ton tai dai dang. Everything you define in the main body of your script will persist, even after the script exits.
verb, lam tro ngai, lam that bai. To baffle a plan.
but most of the time you often don’t want your variables hanging around and just wait to cause baffling behavior in a new script where you forgot to define a variable before you referenced it.
enclose /enclouz/
verb, surroung or close off on all sides. You just enclose the body of your script these two lines of code: app.beginUndoGroup(“name”); app.endUndoGroup();
verb, come before smt in time. You’ll notice that we precede the definition of our “proj” variable with the “var” keyword.
verb, be the sign of, bieu thi, bieu hien, chung to, chi ro. This is JavaScript’s way of denoting the creation of a new variable.
happen to have
verb, vo tinh dong thoi cung co, also have mot cach dong thoi ve thoi gian.