Weeks 1 and 3: Professionalism and Scope of Practice Flashcards
The observable ability of a person to integrate knowledge, skills, values, and beliefs in their performance of tasks.
Competencies are durable. trainable, and through expression of behaviours measurable.
An area of work that encompasses groups of related tasks.
Activities are time-limited and trainable and through the performance of tasks, measurable.
Difference between competencies and activities x4
- Competencies
-Associated with rehab worker
-Durable (persist through different activities)
-Expressed as behaviours
-Relevant to all rehab workers - Activities
-Associated with a role, its requirements and the scope of practice of rehab workers
-Begin and End
-Encompass Tasks
-Relevant to some rehab workers and not others, depending on their role
6 Kinesiology Core Competencies
1)Foundational Knowledge
2)Professional Practice: Assessment
3)Professional Practice: Intervention
4)Professionalism and Ethical Conduct
5)Communication and Collaboration
6)Ongoing Professional Development
What is an Allied Health Proffesion?
Contribute to all realms of health care from assessment, health promotion, provision of treatments and rehab services
Who is considered an allied health profesional?
Anyone who helps patients manage and/or overcome barriers related to disability
-Work with nurses and physicians but aren’t nurses/physicians
Why are allied health professionals important?
Core component to patient-centered in health care systems
Where do allied health professionals work?
Hospital, Private Practice, Community Care
-Individual or multi-disciplinary team
T or F all allied health professionals are regulated?
T of F to engage in professionalism in your chosen profession you must follow the oath
What is a Therapeutic Alliance?
The working relationship between patient and therapist
How is a therapeutic alliance established? x4
3)Therapist Empathy
4)Mutual Respect
Effective clinician-patient communication can do these 5 things?
1)Support better history-taking, diagnosis and clinical decisions
2)Increase patient adherence to recommendations and follow-ups
3)Help patients to self-manage a chronic condition
4)Influence patients to adopt preventive health behaviours
5)Improve patient satisfaction and experience of care.
How is e-professionalism/technology beneficial to my career?
When treating patients from a distance via telehealth/telerehab
How is e-professionalism/technology negative to my career?
-Professional Boundaries
-Patient Confidentiality (sharing situations online and revealing too many details)
How may regulatory colleges is e-proffesionalism?
To make the public aware of the standards/professional practices that must be obtained by the healthcare professional.
What is regulation?
-Professional regulation is the framework under which health professionals are regulated
-Supported by the laws that give and limit rights and assign responsibilities to the people that are subject to
-Defines the philosophical framework for professional regulation in a jurisdiction
-Sets out the roles, rights and responsibilities of the government, regulatory agencies, registrants of the agencies and the public
What 3 makes a profession unregulated? x3
1)Not listed in RHPA
2)Does not have a college that protects the public from the members of that profession
3)An individual does not have to be a member of a regulatory college to call themselves a member f that profession
Are personal support workers regulated?
Are Physician assistants regulated?
Are PT assistants regulated?
Are AT regulated?
What is the RHPA (Regulated Health Professions act)
The legislative framework for regulating the scope of practice of health care professions in ON
5 intentions of the RHPA?
1)Better protect and serve public interest
2)Be an accountable system of governance
3)Provide modern framework for the work of health professionals
4)Provide consumer with freedom of choice
5)Provide mechanism to improve QofC
10 practical rules for colleges of HPCC (Health Professionals Procedural Code)
1)Registering Members
2)Handling Complaints
3)Conducting Investigations
4)Carrying out Discipline Hearings
5)Handling fitness to practice hearings
6)Quality assurance program
7)Patient relations program
8)Mandatory Reporting
9)Funding for victims of sexual abuse by members
10)Appeal processes regarding registration and complaint decisions
What are the 4 roles of profession-specific acts?
1) Establish each health profession’s college and its governing council
2)Defines the scope of practice for the profession they govern
3)Lists of the controlled acts that professions are authorized to perform (if it can performed controlled acts)
4)Has the health professions procedural code deemed to be part of them
Scope of Practice Kinesiology
The practice of kinesiology is the assessment of human movement and performance and its rehab and management to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement and performance
Scope of Practice definition
What members of a profession are competent at doing and legally permitted to do in a given jurisdiction
True or False a member of a profession may have a personal scope of practice that is of large breadth with respect to the whole profession’s scope
True, you may have knowledge that covers the entire scope, some may have less
True of False a personal scope of practice may be relatively narrow with respect to the whole professions scope
True, as you may have less knowledge than with the general profession or may not feel comfortable doing something (it has been a long time and needs to be receterfied)
True or False: a personal scope of practice may include acts outside of the usual scope for the profession
Need to be certfied seprately, be careful
9 Modalities and Services of R.KIN
1)Electrical Therapy Techniques
2)General Nutritional Counselling
3)Fitness and Health Evaluations and Exercise Prescription
4)Athletic training, therapy and interventions
7)Completion of insurance assessment forms
8)Manuel osteopathic techniques and modalities
True or False every regulated health profession has a scope of practice?
True: has a statement that describes in a general way what the profession does and the methods that it uses
How does scope of practice protect the public?
Ensure that care provided by practitioner is not beyond the practitioners skills and knowledge
True of False if something is one scope of practice it prevents others from performing the same activities
False: Overlapping Scope of Practice
Almost all healthcare professions have overlapping scopes of practice with regard to what 3 things?
1)Communicating to patients in Distress
2)Respecting their Autonomy
3)Gaining their consent for any assessment or treatment process
What are Controlled Acts?
Procedures and activities which may pose a risk to the public if not performed by a qualified practitioner
How many controlled acts are there?
What is delegating controlled acts?
The act of transferring authority from one practitioner to another to perform a controlled act
When is delegating controlled acts allowed? x3
1)Best Interests of the Patient
2)Safe and effective as if being performed by the person delegating
3)Responsibility always remains with the person delegating however, you should always familiarize yourself with the delegation standards of the practitioners you work with
Acts unsuitable for delegation? x9
Who can perform acupuncture in ON x8
4)Naturpathic Dr
8)Traditional Chinese Med Pract
Regulatory Body Purpose
To Protect Public
Regulatory Body Governance
-Governed by a council elected by peers and members of the public appointed by the gov.
-Accountable to the public, the ON gov. and members of the college
Regulatory Body Roles x4
-Sets Requirements
-Develop standards of practice
-Investigate complaints and disciplines
-Maintains a register of individuals eligible to practice
Regulatory Body Membership
-Membership requires passing exam
-Requires proof of continuing competency
Association Purpose
To advocate on behalf of members
Association Governance
Governed by a board of directors who are elected members
Association Roles x2
-Promotes the Profession
-Represents the member’s interest by monitoring developments
Association Membership x2
-Proof of competency not required
What 5 things does the college of Kinesiologists of Ontario do
Regulates Kinesiologists and Protects the Public
1)Sets the requirements for entry-level practice
2)Maintains a list of individuals qualified to practice kin (public register)
3)Develop rules and guidelines for kinesiologists practice and conduct (including code of ethics)
4) Investigate complaints about kinesiologists and disciplines when necessary
5)Requires kinesiologists to participate in a program that helps ensure that their knowledge and skills are up-to-date and monitors that participation
College versus Association Purpose
College: Created by ON gov. to regulate the profession of KIN in the PUBLIC INTEREST
Association: To advocate and advance the interests of their members and the profession of kinesiology
College versus Association Governance
College: By a council, similar to a board of directors, that is accountable to the ON Gov.
Association: By a board of directors elected by the members that is accountable to the members of the association
College versus Association Membership
College: Mandatory for individuals wishing to work as a kin in ON
Association: Voluntary
College of KIN ON roles x5
1)Sets of requirements for entry to the profession
2)Maintains a list of individuals eligible to practise kinesiology
3)Develop standards and rules for practice
4) Receive and investigate complaints about kinesiologists’ practice and disciplines when necessary
5)Requires kinesiologists to participate in continuing professional development
Association of KIN ON roles x4
1)Advocates with policymakers in the interest of members
2)Markets and promotes the profession of kinesiology
3)Provides continuing prof development opp. to members
4)Represents members interests by monitoring developments that may impact scope of practice, employment opportunities and enhancing relationships with related professions
Controlled Act 1
Communicating to the individual or his or her personal representative a diagnosis identifying
a disease or disorder as the cause of symptoms of the individual in circumstances in which it
is reasonably foreseeable that the individual or his or her personal representative will rely
on the diagnosis.
Controlled Act 2
Performing a procedure on tissue below the dermis, below the surface of a mucous
membrane, in or below the surface of the cornea, or in or below the surfaces of the teeth,
including the scaling of teeth
Controlled Act 3
Setting or casting a fracture of a bone or a dislocation of a joint
Controlled Act 4
Moving the joints of the spine beyond the individual’s usual physiological range of motion
using a fast, low amplitude thrust.
Controlled Act 5
Administering a substance by injection or inhalation.
Controlled Act 6
Putting an instrument, hand or finger,
i. beyond the external ear canal,
ii. beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow,
iii. beyond the larynx,
iv. beyond the opening of the urethra,
v. beyond the labia majora,
vi. beyond the anal verge, or
vii. into an artificial opening into the body.
Controlled Act 7
Applying or ordering the application of a form of energy prescribed by the
regulations under this Act
Controlled Act 8
Prescribing, dispensing, selling or compounding a drug as defined in the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, or supervising the part of a pharmacy where
such drugs are kept.
Controlled Act 9
Prescribing or dispensing for vision or eye problems, subnormal vision devices,
contact lenses or eyeglasses other than simple magnifiers
Controlled Act 10
Prescribing a hearing aid for a hearing-impaired person.
Controlled Act 11
Fitting or dispensing a dental prosthesis, orthodontic or periodontal appliance or
a device used inside the mouth to protect teeth from abnormal functioning.
Controlled Act 12
Managing labour or conducting the delivery of a baby
Controlled Act 13
Allergy challenge testing of a kind in which a positive result of the test is a significant allergic response
Controlled Act 14
Treating, by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic
relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood,
emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the
individual’s judgement, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning.
10 Values for PT
8)Patient Centredness
10)Social Responsibility
What should be done in terms of teaching values
Can’t expect the PT are fresh when the get into PT school, the have established their own values instead we should get them to identify with them and grow and understand them
-They should have core values when wanting to be a health care prof.
we should desig a education to guide students to pperationalize their core values in prof. conext