Week 7: Practice Standards Flashcards
What is Infection Control
Healthcare personnel implement measures to prevent the spread, transmission, and transmission of infectious agents or pathogens between patients and clients, from healthcare workers to patients, and from patients to healthcare workers in healthcare settings.
3 Minimum Infectious Control Measures
1)Proper Hand Hygiene
2) Appropriate Work Practices
3)Use of PPE when required
4 Infectious Control Resources in Canada
1)Infection Prevention and Control Canada (IPAC CA)
2)Public Health Agency Canada
3)ON Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC)
4)Public Health ON
What is a Boundary?
Boundaries define and separate your role as a health care provider from other roles that you have in your life, such as a family member, friend, neighbour or business partner
Professional Boundaries are Dictated by what 4 things?
1)Federal and Provincial Legislation
2)College Standards
3)Your Employer’s Policies
What are the 4 components of the therapeutic Client Relationships?
3)Professional Intimacy
4)Inherent Power Imbalance
How to establish professional boundaries x4
1) Ensure boundaries are based on the needs of the patient
2)Know and adhere to the standards of practice (the rules RKins must follow)
3) Make sure your personal views are always secondary to your professional obligations
4)Ensure that the patient is the focal pt of the therapeutic relationship
T or F: Regardless of who is pushing the boundaries in the therapeutic relationship (you or client) it is the RKin responsibility to maintain the boundaries and a safe connection
When using social media as a Kinesiologist, what 4 rules must be maintained?
1)Communicate online with the same level of professionalism, honesty, inergrity and respect as face-to-face interactions
2)Maintain professional boundaries
3)Within the scope of practice and expertise of the kinesiologist
-Anything they post or publish online never undermines public health guidance or a patient or person’s health, treatment or safety
4)Maintain Patient Privacy and Confidentiality
True or False: even when kinesiologists post privately, the post may be subject to regulatory action if there is a negative impact on the profession or the public.
What are the 5 factors that a regulator will consider when conducting a conceptual analysis of a registrant’s social media activity?
1)If there is a connection between the conduct and the practice of the profession that demonstrated a sufficiently negative impact on the profession or the public interest
2)Whether the individual identifies themselves as a healthcare provider
3)An analysis of the substance of the message
4)The extent of the publication and the size and nature of the audience
5)Whether the posts are in breach of college standards
Social media use by Kin, regulators ask themselves these 5 questions when doing an analysis of the substance of the message?
1)Tone, Content, Purpose
2)Statements are true and fair
3)Does it contribute to public discourse about an issue
4)Its impact on the reputation of the profession
5)Contains misinfo, and offensive language, and does not contribute to public discourse.
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining a professional relationship/ who is accountable for any abuse within the professional relationship?
The Kinesiologist NOT the client
Can a Kinesiologist treat their spouse?
What is the definition of a spouse?
1)A person who is the registrant’s spouse as defined in section 1 of the Family Law Act (married)
2)A person who has lived with the registrant in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage continuously for not less than 3 years
What is Collaboration
To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort; the concurrent treatment of a patient by a member and ANOTHER healthcare professional
What is Concurrent Treatment
The circumstances where more than 1 healthcare prof. is administering or applying remedies to a patient for the same or related disease/injury or the treatment of unrelated diseases of injury where the treatment of one disease or injury could affect the treatment of another
Performance Expectations for Professional Boundaries x6
1) Showing sensitivity to the power imbalance
2)Recognizing and understanding the components of a professional relationship
3)Maintaining an appropriate level of prof. Distance and objectivity concerning the assessment and treatment of the patient
4)Refraining from accepting and giving gifts
5)Refraining from inappropriate self-disclosure
6)Recognizing that boundary crossing are often subtle and motivated by what appear to be noble intentions
In general kinesiologists are not permitted to engage in a sexual relationship with a patient or SDM for how long after the prof. relationship ends
1 year
Never allowed if a power imbalance exists
True or False you can treat a person in a close relationship to you as a RKIN in what occasions? x2
1)Emergency/Exceptional Circumstance
2)Spousal Expection
Can a RKin engage in a relationship with their patients family members
Can a RKin provide treatment to someone they are in a dual relatiosnhip with
No, not financial advisor, hair dresser etc.
When is collaborative treatment/concurrent care allowed?
A member will only provide concurrent care when in his or her professional judgment:
1)Treatment is required
2)Appropriate and compatible with the treatment approach of the other treating professional
3)The care does not constitute an unethical or inefficient use of healthcare resources
When is providing current treatment allowed (x4)
1)Appropriate to the needs of the patient/client
2)Complementary to the treatment by the other healthcare professional
3)Is provided the following consultation with other healthcare professionals: whenever possible
4. Coordinate with the other healthcare prof. whenever possible
When is concurrent treatment not allowed x3
1)The other healthcare professional has a conflicting treatment approach or client care objective
2)The kin services are unethical or inefficient duplication of healthcare services
5 Performance expectations for collaborative/concurrent treatment
1)Knowing when it is allowed
2)Knowing when it is NOT allowed
3)Using their judgment if the concurrent treatment is unnecessary and clearly communicating that decision to client
4)Ensuring that funding that is paying for the care permits more than one healthcare prof. to provide treatment and if not getting consent to proceed
5)Not commenting on other health prof. qualifications or services other than to provide prof. opinions that are necessary in the circumstances in a respectful manner
What are the 6 objectives of proper record keeping?
1)Facilitate the safe and quality care and treatment of patients
2)Ensure the patients have access to up-to-date, accurate info about their health
3)Ensure continuity of care for patients from successive members or other treating healthcare prof.
4)Ensure accountability to patients, payors, the college, the profession and other healthcare providers
5)Demonstrating judgement, reasoning and adherence to the practice standards
6)Meet any other requirements mandated by the organization they are associated with
Records must be these 6 things
2)Legible and understandable
4)Accurate and timely
5)Accessible and Retrievable
6)Secure and confidential
Retention for recording keeping periods of time for clients 18 years or older at time of last contact
A period of at least 10 years
Retention for recording keeping periods of time for clients under 18 years at time of last contact
A period of at least 10 years following the date at which the patient would have become 18
What following records must be retained
1)Equipment service record
2)Finacial Record
3)Patient Health File
What 2 things must be done when a kin is closing or transferring a practice
1)The patient is notified that the member intends to close or transfer practice and information about future locations of records is provided
2)The record is transferred to another health info custodian and the patient is notified or to another member if the patient requests
Who bears the responsibility and accountability for the care/services provided by sudents/support personell under their supervision and for their behaviours in the workplace
5 Factors needed to be considered in supervision and education of students and support personnel
1)The need to encourage a student/support person’s autonomy and learning
2)Level of supervision appropriate to the assignment
3)The knowledge, skill, and clinical reasoning of the student/support personnel
4)The patient’s level of comfort in working with student/support personnel
5)The severity of risk level associated with patients conditions
True or False the documentation of the work of a students/support personal is needed
-At intervels (progress reports)
-When work is done
What 2 activities cannot be assigned to students or support personnel
1)Obtaining informed consent of treatment or the change in the course of treatment
2)Discharging a client from treatment and creating a discharge plan