Week 5: Practice Standards Flashcards
What are practice standards? x2
-Outline the expectations for kinesiologists that contribute to public protection
-Inform kinesiologists of their accountabilities an the public of what to expect of a kinesiologist
What are practice guidelines?
Help kinesiologists understand their responsibilities and how to make safe and ethical decisions in their practice
Code of ethics
Defines the way kinesiologists, in all situations, should uphold the integrity of the profession, serve the interests of patients/clients and act in a manner that justfies the public.
Essential Competencies of Practice for Kinesiologists in Ontario?
Defines the knowledge, skill, judgement and attitudes required to practise in the public interest
Core Competency Profile
A collection of validated statements that describe the performance required to demonstrate competency in the profession at the time of entering the profession
12 Practice Standards of Kinesiologist?
2. Conflict of Interest
3. Consent
4. Discharging a Client
5. Duel Health Care
6. Fees and Billing
7.Infection Ctrl
8. Professional Boundaries
9. Professional Collaboration
10. Record Keeping
11. Supervision and Education of Students and Support Personnel
12.Code of Ethics
What is an Advertisment?
Any message communicating info about:
1)A member’s practice and/or the professional services offered
2)Content of which they control or influence
T or F any message the is expressed in any language with the intent to influence choice, opinion or behaviour about the member and communicated in any medium to the pubic is a advertisement
What is a Public Medium
Any form of communication that is equally available to anyone who chooses to use it and that is directed to the public rather than to an individual person(s).
Information in advertisements must be? x4
3)Verifiable by a Kinesiologist
4)Professional and not misleading by either omitting relevant info or including non-relevant information
True or False: an advertisement must be directed at a specific audience be understandable by the audience, and in accordance with the generally accepted standards of the good taste of both its intended audience and the profession
The professional services advertised must be within the _______ of a RKIN
Scope of Practice
Advertisements must not include what
1)Anything that could be interpreted as intending to promote a demand for unnecessary services
2)No contain info that could be interpreted to be a testimonial and/or endorsement of a member of his or her practice from a individual or organization
What is the rule of advertisement of fees or prices?
Must meet the expectations for truth and accuracy
True or False Kinesiologists can offer packages for services?
False can’t advertising antything that promotes demand of uneasy services
T or F Ads can Guarantee the success of the service
T or F Ads can Compare of superlative statement about service quality, products or people
T or F ads can contain testimonials by any person who has obtained or is related to or acquainted with a person who has obtained products or services from the practice being advertised
T or F ads cannot express or imply endorsement or recommendation for the exclusive use of a drug, product or brand of equipment sold in the practice?
T or F ads can contain communicaton that is so undignified or in such poor taste as to be unprofessional
How can a R Kin solicit to patients/clients?
ONLY through Public Mediums that they have given consent to
-Not directly or indirectly in perso, phone, e-mail
5 Elements of Informed Consent?
- Fully Informed
- Voluntarily Given
3.Related to the clients condition and circumstances
- Not obtained through fraud or misrepresentation
5.Where appropriate, evidenced in a written form signed by the patient/client or otherwise documented in the patient/client record
Informed consent to assessments or treatments includes a discussion of the following 5 things?
1)The NATURE of the recommended assessment/examination or treatment
2)WHY the patient/client should have the assessment/examination or treatment
3)ALTERNATIVES to treatment
4)EFFECTS, RISKS, SIDE-EFFECTS of treatment and alternative treatment
5)What may happen if the patient/client chooses NOT to have the treatment
What are 5 things you should do when having a informed consent conversation to ensure professionalism?
1)Remind patient can withdraw at any time
2)Encourage patient to ask questions
3)Use plain language
4)Pause to allow the patient to understand before the consent
5)Complete a medical history before beginning the assessment or treatment
What is Dual Health Care
Dual healthcare practices occur when members of college of Kinesiologists of Ontario practices as a kinesiologists and practices in ANOTHER healthcare discipline.
-The other discipline can be regulated or unregulated
7 Standards of Health care
1)Roles are separate and distinct to the patient
2)Recommendations are based on clients’ needs
3)Ensure info is provided needed to understand the members roles and accountability when performing the treatment
4)Clients are provided with services that they initially sought unless it is determined inappropriate
5)Clients records clearly demonstrate which services have been provided to clients at each encounter
6)Claiming only time worked practicing within the scope of practice of kin as practising hours for continued registration with the college
7)Ensuring that any care provided by the member of another discipline is not done in an effort to avoid practising according to the standards of the college
How to ensure the roles of dual health care practice are kept separate x4
1)Appointment Bookings
2)Entries in patient records
3)Billing records and financial records
4)Obtain written and signed informed consent when exercising a role different from what the patient initially sought
How to ensure info is provided needed to understand the members roles and accountability when performing the treatment x3
1)That the service is not within the scope of practice of kin and that the member is not acting as a kinesiologist when providing the service
2)That the service is unregulated (if applicable) and is not covered by kin liability insurance (if that is the case
3)That the service cannot be billed to a insurer as a kin service
Discharging a patient?
Discharging a patient occurs when the services being provided to the patient are terminated
Discharging a Patient Rules
-Expected and Neccessary Part of Relationship
-Plan for and impement discharge
-Particular care needs to be taken if dischage occurs earlier than orginally anticpated
(out of scope, absuive,)
Discharging patient standard?
Plan for the discharge as early as possible and involve the patient in the planning as much as possible
-Continuity of care
-Approriate record keeping
Conflict of Interest Standard
When kin engages in a relationship or arrangement as a result of which the kin personal interests could improperly influence their professional judgement or conflict with their duty to acting in best interests of patient
Who may be a conflict of interest?
Interest of benefit goes to a “related person” such a close relative or a corporation affiliated with the registrant