WEEK THREE Flashcards
What is research design?
- Provides framework to answer research question
- Ensures rigor
- Ensures answers will be meaningful and accurate
- Involves plan for systematic approach to gathering information
How would you know research is done properly?
Rigor, reliability, credability, validity, trustworthiness
Research Design Identifies?
- How participants are recruited
- What will happen during study
- How data will be analysed
- When study will end
Qualitative reseach consists of?
- Inductive reasoning
- Complete picture of phenomena of interest
- Subjective
- Rigor has no specific meaning
- Non numerical
- Researcher NOT at arms length form data collection
What is rigor?
How we judge how well research is done
What is the purpose of qaulitiative research?
- Understands personal experiences, interpretation from participants view
- Help understand naturally occuring social phenomena
- Explores attitudes, values and experiences of participants
- Searches for individuals perspective of reality
- Interested in peoples experience of the world
What is it like to be lonely?
How does it feel to be an organ donour recipient?
Whats it like as an international student studying in Australia?
Researcher in qualitative Design
- Visible in research process
- Spends time in field
- Personal contact and insight
What are the major differences between qualitative and quantiative research?
main purposes of each and differences between the two
What are some common types of qualitiative research?
Descriptives exploratory Phenomenology Grounded theory Ethnography Historical Action/applied research Case study
Descriptives exploratory:
- Not specific approach
- Describes situations
- Generalised approach
- Collects rich narrative data from small samples
- Describes experiences
- Discovers the ‘lived’ experiences
- Involves indepth interviews
Exam- define: Lived experience
Grounded theory:
- Interviews, examination of documents and observation
- Examines inter-relationships among concepts to develop theory
Exam- define: Involves social processes and developes theorys from these
- Culture of group of people
- Insider as well as outsider approach
- Observations often supported with interviews
- Time taken to establish trust
- Examines past as percieved at the time
- Historical documents
- Description of past based on documented information
Case study:
- Enables a detailed examination of a single case or unit
- May look at individual or small number of inviduals
- May incluse a family, street, school or town