Week 9 zoology Flashcards
body cavity filled with fluid in between the mesoderm layer of the external body wall and the endoderm layer of the gut in invertebrates. The mesodermal tissues do not line completely
Phylum Rotifera
- Triploblastic
- Pseudocoelomate
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Unsegmented
- Small
- Protonephridia
- Eutely
- Through gut
- Lack cuticle
- Trophi and mastax
- Wheel organ
- Toes with pedal glands (temporary adhesion)
- Parthenogenesis
- No spiral cleavage
Lack of mitosis upon completion of embryonic development
Wheel organ
one or two corona of cilia used for locomotion and feeding
Classes within Rotifera
- Class Bdelloidea
- Class Monogononta
- Class Seisonidea
- Class Acanthocephala
Rotifera Developmental Polymorphism
- Summer: females of monogonont rotifers reproduce asexually, produces amictic ova (diploid) through mitosis
-Fall: amictic ova develop into mictic females, which produce mictic ova (haploid) through meiosis - Males are reduced and infrequent in comparison to females
- During dry spells, bdelloid rotifers will aggregate and form tuns
- These stages can persist for years without water and will become active when water is reintroduced
- Some rotifers can survive extreme cold
small dormant cysts formed by aggregate rotifers
Class Acanthocephala
- Gut parasites
- Medium sized
- Pseudocoelomate
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Protonephridia and gut and wheel organ ABSENT
- Body divided (hook-bearing proboscis), neck and trunk
-Lack of cuticle
_ Gonochoristic (dioecious) - Acanthor larva
- Life cycles involve several hosts
Phylum Gnathostomulida
- Triploblastic
- Acoelomate
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Unsegmented
- Worm-like, small
- monociliated epidermal cells
- Protonephridia
- Mouth and through gut
- Eyes absent, sensory ciliary pits at head
- predatory
- Spiral cleavage? (only one case reported)
- Direct development
Phylum Micrognathozoa
- One species
- Small
- Triploblastic
- Acoelomate
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Body divided (head, thorax, abdomen)
- Temporary anus
- Numerous sensoria and ciliary structures
- Eyes
- Protonephridia
- Complex jaws
Micrognathozoa life history/biology
- Limnic, lives on mosses
- Selective microphagus
- Parthenogenetic or protandrous hermaphrodites ? No males found yet
- Two egg types, cleavage unknown
- Direct development
- Only found in Arctic/sub-Antarctic regions
Problems for phylogenetic analysis of spiralian relationships
- Missing data (genes)
- Missing terminals (phyla)
- Uneven representation of taxa (basal branching points not sampled)
What can mitigate LBA
Model-based statistical approaches (maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference)
Shift in site-specific evolutionary rates over time (rate of evolution for a given locus may vary from one part of the sequence to the next)
Sensitivity analysis
- Sensitivity plots are used in phylogenetics papers to summarize the “stability” of a relationship
- A colored entry in a square means a node was recovered for that analysis
Stability of Spiralian relationships
Spiralian relationships remain unstable
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Triploblastic
- Trimeric body (head, trunk, postanal tail– all divided by transverse septa)
- Fins and rays
- No circular musculature
- Lack discrete gas exchange or excretory systems
- Complete gut (mouth and anus form secondarily, after closure of blastopore)
- Hermaphroditic
- Direct development
- Radial cleavage
- Dorsal and ventral ganglia
- Ciliary fans for detection of water vibrations
- Anterior ciliary loop
- Marine
- Predatory
- Planktonic
- Bioluminescent
Chaetognath development
- Males deposit sperm balls on females body
- Sperm balls rupture and sperm migrate posteriorly into gonopores and oviducts
- Eggs typically released into water column or deposited on algae; one deep water genus broods eggs until hatching
Traditional (incorrect) metazoan phylogeny
The traditional (morphological) view of the animal tree of life reflected a ladder-like series of incremental evolution
Characters defining Ecdysozoa
-Molting of cuticle (ecdysis) at least once in the life cycle
- Trilayered cuticle
- Lack of locomotory cilia
- Development without ciliated larva
- Terminal or subterminal mouth
- Molecules
Phyla in Ecdysozoans
- Nematodia
- Scalidorphora
- Panarthropoda
Cycloneuralia (Nematoida + Scalidophora)
-Introvert (eversible feeding organ)
- Triradiate pharynx with radiating musculature
-Mouth in terminal position
- Brain collar-shaped with anterior and posterior rings of perikarya separated by a ring of neuropile
Phylum Nematoda (roundworms)
- Tripoblastic
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Unsegmented
- Some nematodes are annulated
- Pseudocoelomate or acoelomate
- Eutely
- Layered cuticle
- Chemoreceptor organs (amphids)
- Gut complete
- Renette cells (unique excretory system)
- No circulatory or gas exchange structures
- No circular musculature
- Dioecious; males often with hooked posterior end
Nematode muscles
- Circular muscles lacking
- Atypical neuromuscular junctions; longitudinal muscles are connected to nerve cords by unique extensions called muscle arms
- Distinct manner of movement
Nematode muscles
- Circular muscles lacking
- Atypical neuromuscular junctions; longitudinal muscles are connected to nerve cords by unique extensions called muscle arms
- Distinct manner of movement
Nematode parasites
- Loa loa
- Filariasis (lymphatic filariasis)
- Onchocera volvulus (river blindness)
Phylum Nematomorpha (horsehair worms)
- Triploblastic
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Unsegmented
- Long and thin worms
- Pseudocoelomate
- Cuticle
- Life cycle with larval stages in arthropods
- longitudinal muscles, lack circular muscles
- Gut reduced
- No special excretory, circulatory, respiratory structures
- Two groups
- Can change host behavior
- Introvert with rings of scalids
- Two rings of introvert retractor muscles attached through the collar shaped brain
- Flosculi (sensory structure consisting of a cluster of micropapillae encircling a pore)
- Chitonous cuticle
- Triradiate pharynx with radiating musculature
Sensory spines located on the cuticle of the introvert
Triradiate pharynx
muscle complex (looks like tricuspid valve)
a cambrian scalidophoran embryo (introvert, annulated cuticle, not segmented)
Phylum Priapulida (penis worms)
- Triploblastic
- Pseudocoelomate or coelomate
- Unsegmented
- Polar to tropical waters, exclusively marine
- Cuticle annulated and periodically shed
- Complete gut
- Protonephridia
-Gas exchange appendage - Dioecious
- Loricate larva with cuticular larva that is shed at metamorphosis
- Multiple fossil species present by mid-Cambrian
Phylum Kinorhyncha (mud dragons)
- Triploblastic
- Bilaterally symmetrical
- Pseudocoelomates
- Segmented (13 segments)
- Complete gut
- Protonephridia
- Periodic shedding of cuticle
- Lack circulatory or respiratory structures
- Dioecious