week 9 - long term memory - semantic vs episodic Flashcards
explicit memory
episodic and semantic
implicit memory
procedural memory (skills)
classic conditioning
why divide memory further
episodic and semantic
theoretically different
explicit memory
semantic memory
a persons knowledge about the world:
facts, cognitive skills
(eg. non verbal knowledge about gravity/ friction)
explicit memory
semantic memory
highly organised
eg. semantic networks - hierarchal networds, spreading activation model, scripts, schemas
explicit memory
episodic memory
is a recollection of where and when events happened in ones own life (content and context)
involves some degree of semantic memory
(general world knowledge - what a holiday is)
semantic memory
what kind of store?
general knowledge store
semantic memory
what kind of retrieval?
retrieval without conscious recollection of when.where learned
semantic memory
attached to specific time or place?
semantic memory
what knowledge?
knowledge of facts, words
eg. what does googled mean
eg. who is the prime minister
semantic memory
involvement in face recognition
episodic memory
attached to specific time or place?
eg. first time you heard the word googled
eg. memory of a particular family gathering
semantic and episodic memory
separate systems?
separate systems
but at time of learning and at the time of retrieval they systems interact and are interdependent
can a episodic memory become a semantic memory?
semantic vs episodic
semantic dementia
impaired semantic memory
degeneration affecting the anterior temporal lobe (a specific type of frontal temporal dementia
(episodic - autobiographical- memory intact)
semantic vs episodic
semantic dementia
hodges 1992
participant must produce standard factual information form three life epochs
(childhood, young adult, recent)
- name of school friends
- teachers, colleagues
- details of schools attended
- first job, wedding
this is semantic (facts we know)
then must relate personally experienced episodes (episodic memory) from the same periods which are then scored in a standard fashion for detail
semantic vs episodic
semantic dementia
definitions test
semantic vs episodic
double dissociation?
semantic dementia (semantic impaired and episodic intact)
patient KC (semantic intact and episodic impaired)
semantic vs episodic
Patient KC
motorcycle accident –> closed head injury
“kc could not produce a single episode from his past that was distinct in time and place”
- episodic impaired
photographs could not be related to life events
- semantic intact
people in photographs identified
KC has retained his knowledge of how to play chess although he cannot remember having played chess before