week 9 Flashcards
A global form of self-perception
- how i feel about who I am
can be global and domain-specific self perception
- who I am
body image
Domain-specific self-perception
How I see, think, feel about, and act toward, my
types of self-concepts
-ideal self - how people would like to become
-ideal social self- how people would like others to see them
- expected self - expected to see themselves at some future time
-social self - feel others see them
-actual self - perceive themselves
low self-esteem
-frequent self-criticism
-ignoring positive qualities
- negative emotions
- relationship problem
- recreation and leisure
why measure self-esteem
- to have a more positive self-awareness
-to see yourself honestly and to like or at least accept yourself
-to remove the internal barriers that keep you from doing your best
self-concept vs self esteem
improving self-esteem
-positive self-talk
- acknowledging positive qualities
supportive relationship
- recreation and leisure
body image dimensions
- perceptual (see)
2, cognitive (think) - affective or emotional (feel)
- behavioral (act)
the collective term for describing feeling state-like emotions and meaning
factors influence body image
-physical characteristics
-physical change
-sociocultural influence
- interpersonal experience
-psychological factors
- behaviors
body reality
actual physical characteristic
body ideal
how we think our body should look and function
perceptual measure
assess the level of accuracy of someone’s judgement about the size of their body parts or the body as a whole
cognitive measures
assess an individual satisfaction, attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts about their body shape size, and function
affective/ emotional measures
assess feeling such as worry, shame , anxiety, comfort embarrassment and pride in relation to the body
behavioral measure
asses the frequency with which one engages in specific behaviors that might indicate body image disturbance
- improvements in physical fitness- improved physical self-concept- positive effect on global self-perception
- multiple domains contribute to our global self concepts and self-esteem
a model to describe the mechanism of change observed
- the process of improving self-esteem through exercise is initiated at the base of the model
- model depicts that the mechanism of change for global self esteem are
- Changes in physical performance or
- Increases in physical self-efficacy
- Positive changes in physical self-
- Improvements in body image
high self-esteem
more likely to adhere to exercise programs if high value placed on physical self concepts
physical self-esteem
more likely to engage in exercise
Using Negative Body Image as a Motivation to Exercise
Body dissatisfaction is a powerful motivator for initiating exercise
* But, a negative body image can be more of a deterrent over time if it continues to be the
primary source of motivation…it is associated with decreased adherence
* Appearance-motivated exercisers are often driven by introjected forms of motivation
- Provide opportunities for exercisers to obtain feedback on
progress in physical fitness and/or performance changes - Provide opportunities for exercisers to build physical self-
efficacy - Help individuals learn to value physical activity and being
fit and healthy
Help them attach personally meaningful reasons for being fit & healthy
Encourage them to think about their own personal motives for PA