week 11 Flashcards
a disorder that influences mood regulation beyond the usual variations between sadness and happiness/excitement
chronic form of depression
manic and depressive state but not as intense as bipolar or major depression
causes of depression
-not well understood
-the interaction of physiological and psychosocial factors
- responses to stressful events/triggers vary by individuals
treatment of depression
- Often untreated
- Pharmaceuticals & Psychotherapy
- PA/exercise
cognitive triangle
behavior activation
an important skill in treating depression has to do with the way that behavior and feeling influence each other
-helps us understand how behavior influences emotions, just like cognitive work helps us understand the connection between thoughts and emotions
Behavioral Activation is based on
the well-reseached understanding that depression often keeps us from doing things that bring enjoyment and meaning to our lives
- depression hates a moving target
Behavioral Activation is based on
the well-reseached understanding that depression often keeps us from doing things that bring enjoyment and meaning to our lives
- depression hates a moving target
- understanding the vicious cycle of depression
- monitoring our daily activities
-identification of goals and values
-building an upward spiral of motivation and energy through pleasure
-problem-solving - reducing avoidance
preventive effect of exercise
- physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle is an associated with the risk of depression and the prevalence of mental health disorder
exercise as a treatment
exercise is as effective as (and sometimes more effective) traditional therapies
anthropological hypothesis
- we are genetically designed to be physically active
- a sedentary lifestyle violates our genetic programming
endorphin hypothesis
during stress the body produces endorphins which are natural painkillers
monoamine hypothesis
exercise can increase the rate at which NTs are produced and released and taken up by neurons
- neurotransmitter are linked to emotions
mastery hypothesis
-psychological benefits from feeling accomplishment or mastery post exercise
-mastery gives a sense of greater self worth and personal control over the environment
Affect Regulation Hypothesis
exercise cause transient in positive affect or in negative affect
Social Interaction Hypothesis
exercise provides opportunity for interaction and social support
mechanism of change
any of the proposed mechanisms or a combination of some/all of them may explain the effect of exercise on depression
consensus statement on benefits of exercise on depression
- Physical activity has protective benefits against symptoms of depression.
- Protective effects increase with greater levels of physical activity.
- Exercise can be associated with a decreased level of mild to moderate depression.
- Exercise may be an adjunct to the professional treatment of severe depression.
- Optimal types and/or amounts of activity are not known
dosages for treating clinical depression
mode: doesnt matter
intervention: at least 1o weeks
frequency 3-5 a week
intensity: moderate to high
duration 30 to 60 minutes
emotional well-being defined
a greater number of positive feeling than negative feelings favorable thoughts overall satisfaction with your life
immediate, short-lived and often intense emotional response that is specific to an stimulus
longer lasting broader intensity and not always associated with a stimulus
More primitive/basic. A
valenced response – good ↔ bad,
pleasure ↔ displeasure, tension ↔
mood vs emotions
0-5 feeling on how strongly you feel to something
activation= arousal sense of being worked up
- ## acute exercise seems to positively affect mood sate and to negative mood state
in task exercise response
while popel may feel better following exercise we cant ignore how they feel during exercise
- affective valence gets progressively more negative and exercise intensity increases
hedonic theory
people gravitate towards behavior that brings them, pleasure
-How people feel during exercise may be consequential to
future behaviour.
- Moderate intensity generally results in positive affective changes for most people
- When intensity range becomes higher, affective responses are variable – some
experiencing pleasure and some displeasure - Intensity severe – almost uniformly negative affective response
against interval exercsie
-painful and uncomfortable
-negative feeling can deter adoption and maintenance
-not lack of time but allocation of time
for interval exercise
-periods of rest break up feelings of displeasure
-current evidence only for continuous exercise
-time efficient
help people become more aware of how they feel before/during and after exercise
affect- based exercise prescription
-find the exercise intensity that makes you feel good
+3 on the feeling scale