Week 8a Muscles of the face Flashcards
What nerves innervate the head and face?
What are the branches of the trigeminal nerve?
- Ophthalmic (V1)
- Maxillary (V2)
- Mandibular (V3)
What are the branches of the facial nerve?
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Mandibular
- Cervical
What are the functions of the face?
- The face collects together the organs for tasting, smelling, eating (including suckling), seeing, and speaking.
- All these involve orifices—the mouth, nose, and eyes—that require control and protection
- Identification / recognition
- Expression – nonverbal communication
- Eating – aiding in mastication and the oral phase of swallowing
- Speech – articulation
What does the Occipitofrontalis do?
runs from frontalis to occipital bone. Allows you to raise eyebrows and tense scalp
What does the obicularis oculi do?
allows you to move eyelids (tip: round muscle of the eye)
What does the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi do?
dilates nostrils and elevates upper lip
What does the procerus do?
draws eyebrows together (a ‘curious’ expression)
What does the nasalis do?
flares nostrils, along with the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
What does the zygomaticus major do?
raises lip up and at an angle
What does the zygomaticus minor do?
raises lip up and at an angle (not quite so much as ZMajor though)
What does the levator labii superioris do?
raises upper lip
What does the buccinator do?
AKA trumpet muscle puffs out cheeks, also assists with mastication, pushing bolus towards teeth
What does the risorius do?
pulls lips in backward direction
What does the depressor anguli oris do?
draw corners of mouth down at an angle
What deos teh depressor labii inferioris do?
lowers bottom lip
What does the orbicularis oris do?
used when blowing a trumpet – controls the air (tip: round muscle of the mouth)
What does the Mentalis do?
allows you to put by pushing out lower lip
What does the Platysma do?
tenses the neck
What innervates the muscles of the face
VII - facial nerve