[Week 8] Knowledge Emotions: Feelings that Foster Learning, Exploring, and Reflecting Flashcards
Changing one’s beliefs about the world and how it works in light of new experience.
Appraisal structure
The set of appraisals that bring about an emotion.
Appraisal theories
Evaluations that relate what is happening in the environment to people’s values, goals, and beliefs. Appraisal theories of emotion contend that emotions are caused by patterns of appraisals, such as whether an event furthers or hinders a goal and whether an event can be coped with.
An emotion associated with profound, moving experiences. Awe comes about when people encounter an event that is vast (far from normal experience) but that can be accommodated in existing knowledge.
A feeling of goosebumps, usually on the arms, scalp, and neck, that is often experienced during moments of awe.
An emotion associated with conflicting and contrary information, such as when people appraise an event as unfamiliar and as hard to understand. Confusion motivates people to work through the perplexing information and thus fosters deeper learning.
Coping potential
People’s beliefs about their ability to handle challenges.
Facial expressions
Part of the expressive component of emotions, facial expressions of emotion communicate inner feelings to others.
F?unctionalist theories of emotion
Theories of emotion that emphasize the adaptive role of an emotion in handling common problems throughout evolutionary history.
Impasse-driven learning
An approach to instruction that motivates active learning by having learners work through perplexing barriers.
An emotion associated with curiosity and intrigue, interest motivates engaging with new things and learning more about them. It is one of the earliest emotions to develop and a resource for intrinsically motivated learning across the life span.
Intrinsically motivated learning
Learning that is “for its own sake”—such as learning motivated by curiosity and wonder—instead of learning to gain rewards or social approval.
Knowledge emotion?s
A family of emotions associated with learning, reflecting, and exploring. These emotions come about when unexpected and unfamiliar events happen in the environment. Broadly speaking, they motivate people to explore unfamiliar things, which builds knowledge and expertise over the long run.
O?penness to experience
One of the five major factors of personality, this trait is associated with higher curiosity, creativity, emotional breadth, and open-mindedness. People high in openness to experience are more likely to experience interest and awe.
An emotion rooted in expectancy violation that orients people toward the unexpected event.
Trait curiosity
Stable individual-differences in how easily and how often people become curious.