WEEK 8 Flashcards
Inferential statistics and tests of difference
Parametric Tests
- Parametric statistics are based on the population parameters
-Assumptions about the underlying population our data is from
-Assumption that our samples are similar to underlying probability distributions
Non-Parametric Tests
- Do not make any strict assumptions about the data distribution
-Implies that they can be used both when the assumptions are met, and when they are not met
-More assumptions
-Less Universal
-Larger Power
-should use whenever possible
- fewer assumptions
-more universal
-lower power
General Parametric Assumptions
- The scale which we measure the dependent variable on should be interval or ratio level
- the populations the sample are drawn from should be normally distributed
- the variances of the populations should be approx equal
- no outliers or extreme scores
T-Test William Gossett (1908)
Used when:
- we want to compare the differences in means:
-two separate groups
-One group measured on two occasions
Assumption checking, T tests
-Checking 1: The scale which we measure the dependent variable on should be interval or ratio level
-Checking 2: The populations the samples are drawn from should be normally distributed (t test can be used when normally distributed)
-Checking 3: The variances of the populations should be approx equal if comparing more than one group, Levene’s test for equality of variances
-Checking 4: no outliers, must be checked before running analysis
Hypothesis for T tests
Null: The population mean from the two groups/ condition are equal
Alternative: The population means from the two groups/ conditions are not equal
Repeated Measures
- Advantages:
-same people: the natural differences between people are controlled for
-The power of this design is higher than the between subject design
Effect Size:
- An objective and standardised measure of the magnitude of an effect
- For t-test the effect size we use is called Cohen’s d
-tells us the size of the difference between groups
-tells us how many standard deviations the means differ by
Cohen’s d (1998)
-small: d/0.2
-medium: d/0.5
-large: d/0.8
formally reporting statistical results:
1.state what type of test has been performed and on what
2. report the test statistic =, df, stat significance
3. report the mean difference and associated confidence intervals
4. report the effect size
5. comment on the means