WEEK 10 Flashcards
Parametric test assumptions
-underlying probability distributions
-DV measured at interval or ratio level
- no outliers
what happens when assumptions are not met?
- data may be skewed
-data may not be at the required level
-there may be outliers
-the sample size may be small
-there may be groups of unequal sample sizes if using groups
Parametric tests guidelines
Independent T test: N>26 per group
Related T test: N>15
Pearson’s correlation: N>28
Non- Parametric Tests
Mann-Whitney U: Alternative to the independent samples T test
Wilcoxn: Alternative to the related samples test
Spearman’s: Alternative to the Pearson’s product moment correlation
Spearman’s Rho
-non-normal distribution of data
-Small sample size
-Interval, ratio or ordinal data
Spearman’s vs Pearson’s
-Pearson’s r assesses the linear relationship
-Spearman’s assesses only a monotonic relationship
-If similar results and near normal use Pearson
-Non-normal use Spearman
Mann-Whitney U test
-alternative to the independent samples t test
-when we have two unpaired groups
- use when data is non-normally distributed
-Small sample size
-Interval, ratio or ordinal data
effect size for mann whitney U
- convert the z score into effect size, r
r= z divided by the square root of N
z is from output
N is the total number of observations
Wilcoxn signed rank test
- non parametric alternative to the paired/ related samples t-test
-pps perform in both conditions
-use when non normal data distribution
-interval,ratio or ordinal data