WEEK 3 Flashcards
- anything that varies
- we measure variables numerically
- researcher systematically manipulates one variable then measures another variable
Independent VS Dependent variables
IV: variable that the experimenter manipulates as a basis for making predictions about DV
DV: the variable that is measured or recorded
- Experimenter variables
manipulated by the researcher
-PP variables
-not manipulated, gender, age
DV and Control Variable
- the subjects response in eahc condition of the IV
-held constant or corrected for
extraneous variables
-variables that potentially influence results but are not of direct interest to our research
-threaten validity and reliability
types of variables
continuous: can take any value within a given range
discrete: can take on only certain discrete values within the range
categorical: the value that the variable takes is a category
dichotomising variables
- researchers sometimes convert discrete or continuous variables into 2 categorical variables so they can directly compare differences between groups
Repeated measures pros and cons
+equivalent groups
+ need to recruit less pp’s
- order effects
-equivalent stimuli
- eliminate order effects
- one half of pp’s complete Condition A first; one half complete Condition B first
-spread order effects across both conditions of the IV
-can do full or partial counterbalancing
Independent measures pros and cons
+no order effects
+fewer demand characteristics
+loss of pp from one condition only
- need to recruit more pps
-cannot control for individual factors
samples and populations
population: a group that shares a common set of characteristics ; the wider group you wish to learn about
sample: the group selected from the population to participate in your research
overcoming WEIRD samples
- authors should report sample characteristics, justify the sample population and discuss generalisability
-editors and reviewers: treat non-weirdness as a marker of interest, diversity badges