WEEK 5 Flashcards
Levels of Data Measurement
-Categorical VS Quantifiable
- Nominal + Ordinal
VS Interval + Ratio
Nominal Data
-Refers to Categorical Data
-Job Type
Numbers are given to distinguish between categories, to rank them. e.g. 1= Female, 2= Male
Ordinal Data
- Using a scale to put people in some sort of order/ rank, such as race positions
-Unlike nominal, the size of the number does represent something
Interval Data
- Put scores in an order, however the numbers are equal intervals
-Temperature: Centigrade or Fahrenheit - There is no absolute 0 where the variable being measured doesn’t exist, 0 degrees does not equate to 0
Ratio Data
- The same features as Interval data: the differences between numbers are equal but there is an absolute 0
- e.g. height, scores on an achievement test, speed of a car
Two types of statistics:
- Descriptive VS Inferential
1. Summarisees data using numbers or graphs
-Used to summarise all levels of data
-Allows comparison across studies
2. Use what we know from the data we have collected to make inferences and generalisations to the wider population
The mean:
- definition: sum of all the scores divided by the number of scores in the sample
-most commonly reported
-most appropriate for ‘normal’ data
The Median:
- Definition: The middle score/ value once all the scores in the sample have been put in rank order
-Less commonly reported than the mean - Organised form smallest to largest and then the middle score is selected
The Mode:
- Definition: The most frequently occurring score/ category of scores
- Least commonly reported, useful for categorical variables
- Bimodal- 2 modes
-Multimodal- Several modes
Pros and Cons of each:
+ Ease of calculation
+A good estimate of the population mean
+Ideal basis for inferential statistics
- Sensitive to extreme scores
-Cant be used for nominal data
+ Not sensitive to extreme scores
+Only requires ordinal levels of data
- Cannot be used for nominal data
- Not ideal as a basis for inferential statistics
+ Can be used with any type of data
-May not represent central tendency at al if the distribution is skewed
-Not ideal as a basis for inferential statistics
The population mean and Sampling Error
-The typical score in a population: Population mean
Sampling Error: the difference between the sample statistics and the population statistic
-the larger the sample, the closer the sample mean to the population mean
Graphical Descriptions of Data
-Bar Chart: used to summarise a categorical variable
Measures of variability
- The range
- The interquartile Range
- The standard deviation
The range
- Definition: The distance between the lowest and highest score in a sample
-Subtract the bottom value from the top value - Sensitive to outliers
The Interquaratile Range
- Definition: Distance between the upper and lower quartile in a set of data
-Appropriate for ordinal level data
-Appropriate for non-normal data
-Less affected by outliers