Week 8 Flashcards
5 antibody classes
Ig M, A, D, E, G
secondary immune response is characterized by __
rapid increase in IgG and remains elevated after second exposure
major cell type in synovial fluid
major cell type in pannus
T lymphocyte & macrophages
minor cell type in pannus
fibroblast, plasma cells, endothelium, dendritic cells
primary site of rheumatoid arthritis is __
primary site of spondyloarthropathies is __
spondyloarthropathies process
mechanical injury > vasodilation > entheseal inflammation > new bone formation
gout involves the deposition of __
mono sodium urate crystals
MSU crystals activate __ pathway
osteoarthritis is caused by __
aging, obesity, lifestyle choices
what is the lead up to osteoarthritis
articular pain symptoms
- over joint line
- global decrease in ROM
- pain at rest
periarticular symptoms
- away from joint line
- decreased ROM in 1 plane
- pain upon initiating movement
how to differentiate mechanical from inflammatory pain
mechanical has no morning stiffness & night pain; only gets worse with activity
early stiffness in inflammatory arthritis is caused by __