Week 4 Flashcards
accumulates mutations leads to abnormal appearance & behavior
carcinoma-in-situ (stage 0 / pre-cancer)
carcinoma that has not invaded basement membrane
3 germ layers
ectoderm (outer), mesoderm (middle), endoderm (inner)
what are ectoderms
epithelium, nervous tissue
what are mesoderms
epithelium, connective, muscle tissues
what are endoderms
where do most cancers develop in
epithelial cells
exceptions to benign tumors
melanoma, mesothelioma
asbestos leads to
alcohol leads to
head, neck, liver, oesophageal cx
diet leads to
stomach, colorectal cx
hepatitis B/C leads to
liver cx
liver fluke leads to
HPV leads to
head, neck, cervical cx
UV leads to
skin cx, melanoma
BRCA1/2 mutation leads to
breast cx
RB1 mutation leads to
APC mutation leads to
colorectal cx
NF1 mutation leads to
implications of carcinoma-in-situ
histological diagnosis, screening, insurance
mechanism of metastasis
- detaching from neighbouring cells
- invaded other tissue layers
- penetrate blood / lymphatic vessels
- escape from vessels
- establish & growth at new site
mechanism of metastasis sites
first-pass organ, favored sites,
vascular organs
common sites of metastasis
lungs, liver, brain, bones, adrenals, left supraclavicular lymph nodes
colorectal cx leads to
liver cx
prostate cx leads to
bone cx
patterns of metastases
orderly (colorectal, cervical)
random (breast & lung)
general symptoms of cx
pain, bleeding, obstruction / compression fracture
symptoms of breast cx
hard lump, nipple discharge, bleeding, skin ulceration
skin ulceration of breast cx is indicative of __
late stage
symptoms of lung cx
cough, SOB, hemoptysis
symptoms of colorectal cx
rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits, constipation, diarrhoea
mass screening
breast, cervical, colorectal cx
high risk screening
breast, colorectal, liver cx
wilson’s criteria for screening includes
- must be latent & important health problem
- available, cheap, reliable
- available, cheaper if detected earlier
breast cx screening
colorectal cx screening
FOBT, colonoscopy
liver cx screening
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), US liver
cervix cx screening
Pap smear
rationale of staging
prognosis, treatment intent & modality
colorectal type of staging