week 8 Flashcards
Alternative models
contemporary models of intelligence tend to be more traditional types of intelligence
What do alternative model assume
IQ is not everything, Interpersonal skills are independent of cognitive abilities, interpersonal skills are more important in real life than academic abilities, interpersonal skills should be conceptualised as a form of ability or intelligence
What is intelligence
Mechanical, abstract and social
social intelligence-> Thorndike-> Act wisely in interpersonal relations
multiple intelligence-> Gardner-> traditional intelligences plus: bodily social musical skills
Triarchic theory-> Sternberg-> traditional intelligence plus: creative and practical
emotional intelligence-> Salovey Mayer Goleman-> identify and manage own and others emotions
Multiple intelligence
challenges the notion of g
each intelligence resides in separate areas of brain, each intelligence is separate
Interact and work together
Individual expression of the intelligence may be different
Education system biased towards logical-mathematical
Evidence of multiple intelligence
Phineas Gage
Development evidence
Accommodates non-western views of intelligence
School developing curriculum around multiple intelligence
Multiple intelligence conclusions
contradicts notion that there are 8 independent intelligence, test measuring same intelligences
should school curriculum utilise MI
Also see castejon et al.
Sternberg’s triarchic theory
three ways could you compensate for or correct your weakness
1) adapting, shaping, selecting
Componential Sub-theory
Meta components
Performance components
Knowledge- acquisition components: processes involved in acquiring and learning new material, Selective: encoding, combination and comparison
Contextual sub-theory practical application
tacit knowledge-action-orientated knowledge
Experiential sub-theory creative
Novelty- ability to deal with novel situations utilising novel experiences to learn
Atomization- ability to deal effectively and quickly with situations
At a glance
Analytical= skills used to: analyse, evaluate, judge, compare and contrast
Practical=skills used to implement, apply or put into practice ideals in real -world contexts
Creative= skills used to: create, invent, discover, imagine, suppose or hypothesis
Sternberg Triarchic abilities test
Conventional IQ test not always successful at predicting success
education application
Practical intelligence correlated .45 with test of g and did not predict academic performance
emotional intelligence
not a model of intelligence but a different way of thinking about intelligence
Ability to recognise your own and other emotions and regulate your emotion
Mixed model of El
Emotional competence
Social and emotional competence
Trait El
Four branch model
Accurately perceive emotions in oneself and other
Use emotion to facility thinking
Understand emotional meanings
Manage emotions
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso emotional intelligence test. Relationship with academic performance
Does not predict academic performance
Expert knowledge required to score and issues over reality
Alternative approaches to intelligence take a much broader view on what intelligence is
All include some form of social intelligence alongside conventional intelligence. Accommodate different cultural views on intelligence
Different intelligence are viewed as independent. Evidence of alternative approaches in education. Tools have been developed to assess these alternative approaches.
Empirical evidence is still weak for some of the theoretical approaches