Week 8 Flashcards
artemis origin
fertility goddess
pontia theron
mistress of the animals
artemis precocious child
helps leto in childbirth
why is she called cynthia?
born on mt. cynthus in delos
niobe myth
niobe, queen of thebes is boastful of her 14 children (leto has 2) insults leto, artemis and apollo kill all but one and turn niobe into weeping stone
actaeon myth
(ovid) actaeon, grandson of cadmus is a hunter who sees diana naked because of fate and she turns him into a stag, killed by his own hounds. Example of artemis vengeance
artemis identified with goddesses
selene and hecate, triple faced statues
euripides hippolytus
devoted to artemis, hippolytus rejects aphrodite who curses phaedra (stepmother) to fall in love with him. Hippo is disgusted, phaedra commits suicide but fasely accuses hippo in her note, who is then killed by his father theseus. Artemis rewards hippo with a cult.
another name for persephone (girl)
homeric hymns and epic poetry meter
they share the same meter
homeric hymn structure
invocation to the muses
miraculous birth
precocious children
battles for power
incorporation into pantheon
gods that heard persephone
hecate and helius
demeter homeric hymn
one of the longest, 1 = short ode, 2 = myth
Son Demeter raises
Mother of demephon