Week 11 Flashcards
saga or legend
focuses on one or more heroes
reocurring motifs
ecompasses the argolid area, corinth, thebes, contact with mediterranean and egypt
hill where hera’s sanctuary stood, religious center of the area.
hera and poseidon contest
phoroneus established argos, decided hera over poseidon. Poseidon dried up argive rivers including phoroneus father, inachus
great grandfather of perseus and his sons
abas, acrisius (king of argos) and proteus (tiryns)
perseus birth
acrisius daughter danae, oracle said her son would kill acrisius. She was shut up in a brozen chamber but zeus came to her in a shower of gold. Perseus was hidden until he was 4, acrisius put them in a chest to float out to sea
perseus and danae rescued by
fisherman dictys (net), on island of seriphos
brother of dictys, king of seriphos, in love with danae
persesus at the banquet
polydectes has a banquet, where everyman has to give him a horse (attempt to get perseus to give him danae), perseus boasts he could give him a gorgon head
athena’s assistance
perseus’s guide, tells him where graeae
perseus and the graeae
perseus gets their eye and tooth, gives back when they tell him where to find the nymphs, they give him cap of invisbility, winged sandals, and kibisis (wallet)
hermes’s assistance
gives a scimitar
perseus and medusa
gorgons were asleep, guided by athena, looks only at gorgon reflection in the shield, beheads medusa (only medusa was mortal) and puts her head in kibisis, flies away with cap of invisibility
from medusa’s body
chrysaor (he of the golden sword) and pegasus, father was poseidon
athena/ medusa and the flute
athena invented the flute in imitation of the gorgons lament for medusa’s death.
perseus returns to seriphos
andromeda parents
king cerephus (ethiopia) and cassiepea, she boasted andromeda more beautiful than the nereids, poseidon flooded and sent sea monster
andromeda rescue
oracle told cepheus andromeda had to be offered to monster, perseus killed with scimitar and married her