Week 13 Flashcards
nostoi (returns)
epic about the return of the leaders from troy
odyssey books 1-4
about the situation in ithaca with penelope’s suitors
when do we meet odysseus
book 5 on ogygia with nymph calypso
most important characteristic of odysseus
which god protects odysseus
cicones and the lotus eaters
right after troy they come to ismarus in thrace, sack the city and stay instead of leaving right away, neighboring cicones attack, sail and get blown to land of lotus eaters. Inhabitants drugged with lotus potion, odysseus makes his crew leave
spared cicone, priest of apollo, gifts them wine
polyphemus traps them in his cave, eats 6, odysseus makes him drunk with maron wine, name nobody (outis), stake into eye, escapes on sheep, says real name, polyphemus prays to dad poseidon to curse him
aeolus and the laestrygonians
island of aeolus, keeper of the winds, gives odysseus leather bag of winds, uses, then naps, men think the bag contains gold, open it and pushes back to aeolus island. aeolus won’t help anymore, they sail to land of the laestrygonians who sank and ate all ships except odysseus’
home of circe
circe and the men
withc circe, daughter of sun, hospitable, then turns them into animals, odysseus goes to rescue and hermes gives him moly
black and white flower, antitodte to circe’s charms
odysseus and circe
doesn’t turn into animals, they sleep together (immune man from her prophecy) , he won’t eat until she turns his men back, they live together for a year before men want to go home. she tells him to go to underworld to learn way home from tiresias
circe and odysseus son
book 11, they sail to end of western world, perform sacrifice, many ghosts come, tiresias tells them about disasters and ithaca. also speaks with troy heroes and his mother anticlea
the sirens
winged creatures, mens ear with wax, tied himself to mast
planctae, syclla and charbrydis
2 wandering rocks, avoided by sailing close to high cliffs = cave of sycalla, who got 6 of his men (lower = charbrydis)
helius cattle
circe warned of island of thrinacia not to touch an animal, but they get detained for weeks, and men eat while odysseus is sleeping
helius / zeus punishment
helius complains to zeus, zeus raised a storm and sent a thunderbolt when it set sail, all men drowned except for odysseus
drifts to isle of ogygia, stays for 7 years, offer to make immortal, ordered to leave by hermes
the phaeacians
poseidon shatters raft off of scheria, home of phaeacians found by princess nausicaa, queen arete entertained by his stories brings him back to ithaca
suitors at ithaca
take advantage of his xenia, penelope tricks by weaving and unweaving burial garment for laertes for 3 years
faithful old swineherd, and reveals identity to son telemachus
old dog recognizes and dies
odysseus/ suitors/ pennelope
insulted by suitors, reveals to penelope by brooch and description, she confides her plan of restringing his bow
old nurse, recognizes through scar on his thigh
most annoying and leading suitor, shot after odysseus restrings bow