Week 2/3 Flashcards
hieros gamos
sacred marriage of “earth mother” and “sky father”
first order in hesiod theogony
chaos, gaia, tartarus, eros, erebus
types of children from gaia and uranus
titans, cyclopes, hecatonchires
parents of oceanids
oceanus and tethys
hyperion (sun god) and theia children
helius (sun god)
selene (moon goddess)
eos (dawn goddess)
selene and endymion myth
endymion is a shepherd who selene falls in love with, she sleeps beside him every night and asks zeus to grant him perpetual sleep and youth
eos and tithonus
eos falls in love with mortal, asks zeus for immortality, but forgets perpetual youth, he gets old and eos stays away
who castrates uranus
from what and where is aphrodite born
the sea foam from the severed genitals around cythera and the island of cyprus
what does cronus do to his kids
he fears the prophecy of being overthrown, so he eats his children
kronos wife and kids
demeter, hestia, hera
zeus, posiedon, hades
rhea’s plan
she talks to gaia and uranus, gaia tells her to go to island of crete and give cronus a stone to eat instead
rhea’s attendant’s who guard zeus and make noise to drown out his crying
where is zeus born
mt dicte in crete
alternate version in arcadia
zeus’s nymphs with milk of goat
mighty giants from genital blood
nymphs of ash trees from genital blood
divine myth
stories of the actions of gods and the events that follow
aphrodite epithets
foam born goddess
cytherea of the beautiful crown
philommedes (genital loving)
aphrodite urania
born from uranus genitals, ethereal and sublime
aphrodite pandemos
born from zeus and dione, essentially physical
dual nature of aphrodite
urania and pandemos; antitheses, sacred vs. profane love
aphrodites son
priapus, fertility god and bringer of luck with big phallus, apotropaic
popular with romans, comic
aphrodite’s attendants
graces (charites)
horae (seasons)
pygmalion myth
aphrodite enraged with lack of piety in cyprus women, makes them first prostitutes
pygmalion disgusted with women, creates statue and falls in love with it, prays for aphrodite to turn into real woman - ovid
eros dual tradition
- early cosmic deity in hesiod theogony
- son of aphrodite and ares
pygmalion and galitea (statue) son
aphrodite and adonis part 1
paphos son cinyras had a daughter myrhha, who fell in love with her father, tricked him into sleeping with her. when he found out he tried to kill her, she fled and prayed and was turned into a myrrh tree, the tree split and she had her son adonis
aphrodite and adonis part 2
aphrodite fell in love with adonis and warned him against hunting, but he did not listen and was killed by a boar. his blood became anemone, and ritual to aphrodite were performed annually (ovid)
aphrodite and anchises
zeus is upset by aphrodite’s ability to control him, makes her fall in love with mortal, she seduces him, but after she reveals herself he begs for immortality because he knows what happens to mortal men that sleep with goddesses. aphrodite tells him he will have a great son aeneas (homeric hymn)
symposium of plato
aristophanes and socrates speak on eros
socrates stages in the hierarchy of love
philosper moves through these through knowledge of eros
cupid and pysche myth
aphrodite is jealous of beauty of pysche, sends cupid but cupid falls in love. When pysche is supposed to be married to serpent she ends up in cupid’s palace, sisters are jealous, trick her into looking a cupid’s face, he wakes up and gets burnt, venus is mad and sets impossible tasks for pysche, she does them all with help from gods and cupid, they marry ordained by zeus
who was socrates instructed in the true nature of eros by